GCN283 - Da CHEEZEHEAD-Da Artizt-Da Puzzle Art

GCN283 - Da CHEEZEHEAD-Da Artizt-Da Puzzle Art
By:  Hayward Cheezehead

1. Here is the puzzle.

Geocache Description:

So, I waited for my Geo-swag Stimulus check and never got one. Then I waited for my Geo-swag Bail-out check and that seems to have gotten lost in the mail too. So after seeing what some "so called artiest" get paid for their "so called art", I figured, "Well heck! I can do that and look a lot better!

Additional Hints:

Thanks to my buddy Roy for the help!

2.  Solve the puzzle:

There are two clues that will help solve the puzzle.
1.  The top picture has an 'N', and the bottom picture has a 'W'.
So the top picture is probably the North Coordinate, and the bottom picture is probably the West Coordinate.
2.  Additional Hints:  Thanks to my buddy Roy for the help!
This hint probably refers to an electronics mnemonic device for remembering the color spectrum:  Roy G Biv

This acronym stands for:  Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet

That is probably the order that the colored numbers should be arranged.  Let's give it a try!

Top picture

N 46 02.754

Bottom Picture

W 91 23.649

3.  Put the Solved Coordinates together.
Solved Coordinates:
N 46 02.754, W 91 23.649

4.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Use GeoCheck to verify the solved coordinates.

Happy Caching!

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