GC3B8XM - When Roy Met Granny

GC3B8XM - When Roy Met Granny

By:  sandlanders with Hayward Cheezehead

1. Here is the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates:  N 46° 09.009 W 091° 31.443

Geocache Description:

The D rating is based on both the puzzle and the hide.
The T rating is an average depending on the conditions when you visit.

Idea and puzzle by sandlanders.
Idea to bring this Up Nort and the physical hide by Hayward Cheezehead.
Make your complaints accordingly.

HCH may log this as one of his finds. He also has permission to give limited help on the puzzle solve.

* * * * * * * * * * *
Some things take on lives of their own...

Granny and Roy are two colorful characters, and they are both very creative in their use of color.
Granny uses yarn and crochets wonderful afghans and lap robes.
Some of her work can be seen at GC249BJ and GC2TK8J.
Roy needs no introduction to folks north of Highway 64.
He is an "artiste" who spreads the purdy colors of the rainbow everywhere he visits.
His favorite colors are green and gold.
He has also been know to place a friendly wager at times. (HA!)
Granny likes British poets and American lit, while Roy prefers whodunnits.
They both love making and solving puzzles.

Then Granny met Roy.

What a grand time they had together! See GC38H14.
They had so much fun that they decided to get together again, this time Up Nort.

Once more they chatted over appetizers of aged cheddar and red herring,
went toe to toe as they played some killer cards (cribbage, anyone?),
and after a meal of alphabet soup, turnovers, and more fromage,
they partook of postprandial java and giant mint chip ice cream cones.
They even kicked up their heels to a little bit of mambo on the dance floor.

And then... Roy and Granny came up with another combined creation to share with everyone.
Roy couldn't wait to see the reactions of all of his friends (heh-heh).
Granny was just glad to head south without having met the Professor or the Witch Doctor!
Can you find the message that Granny and Roy included in their creation below?
And can you use that information to locate where they left a very familiar container for you to find?

The final is located on public land. Wear blaze orange and take precautions if you seek this cache during hunting season.

Like to cache in northern Wisconsin? We do!
This cache placed by a member of U.N.G.A.

This cache placed by a member of:
(click to visit our website)
Additional Hints (No hints available.)

2. Solve the puzzle.

Here is the Code.

A = Violet Spade
B = Indigo Spade
C = Blue Spade
D = Green Spade
E = Yellow Spade
F = Orange Spade
G = Red Spade
H = Violet Heart
I = Indigo Heart
J = Blue Heart
K = Green Heart
L = Yellow Heart
M = Orange Heart
N = Red Heart
O = Violet Diamond
P = Indigo Diamond
Q = Blue Diamond
R = Green Diamond
S = Yellow Diamond
T = Orange Diamond
U = Red Diamond
V = Violet Club
W = Indigo Club
X = Blue Club
Y = Green Club
Z = Yellow Club

Puzzle Translation:

Roy and Granny welcome you to a little piece of the north woods.  Just about a third of a mile from the Parking Spot of:
          N 46 09.126, W 091 30.956
The cache, a container well known to folks in these parts, is hidden at:
          N 46 09.265, W 091 31.239
Granny likes to keep her feet dry, but Roy has been known to dabble in water colors from time to time.  If you seek it in the snow, cache is winter friendly.
Have Fun!

3.  Put the Solved Coordinates together.

Parking Coordinates: N 46 09.126 W 09130.956

Solved Coordinates:

N 46 09.265, W 091 31.239

4.  Verify the solved coordinates.

Use GeoChecker to verify the solved coordinates.

GeoChecker - solved coordinates

Happy Caching!


  1. It looks like this puzzle has a pattern to the colors/symbols. The colors look like the color of the rainbow. I also think one needs to know the alphabetical (ranking) order of card suits to come up with a key to solve this puzzle. I will be working on this puzzle soon!!

    1. We put a list of ideas for letter substitutions on the blog. Perhap you can test them and see if they have any merit.

  2. These were fun puzzles. Thanks for your contributions Pharmdog!

    Now we have to go find all of these things. That should keep us busy this summer. :-)
