GC3HM59 - SCC Riverside in Camelot

GC3HM59 - SCC Riverside in Camelot
By: Lander & Lancelot

1. Here is the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates: N 44° 51.244 W 088° 47.119

Geocache Description:

Lancelot and Guinevere spent many a romantic evenings on the edge of this river watching the waters run past.

It also marks the final resting place of an unknown Knight. Feel free to pay homage. This cache has been replaced to put it back on the SCC Challenge list, it is too nice of a spot to go unrecognized.

To find the final, you first need to locate a plaque with some numbers on it, about 10 ft. from the marker.

You will need to subtract the result of the first calculation from the North coordinate that is the marker. Take last number of the year listed on the plate, and divide it by the first number of the year.

Add the number of the second calculation to the West coordinate of the marker. Take the individual numbers of the Legion Post and add them together. Take the sum of these numbers and divide the second number by the first number.Cache container is a small camoed container with log book, pencil, and some trade items.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)

2.  Solve the puzzle.

To find the final, locate a plaque with some numbers on it, about 10 ft. from the marker.


Subtract this calculation from the North coordinate. Take last number of the year listed on the plaque, and divide it by the first number of the year (2008).
N 44° 51.244 - (8 / 2) = N 44° 51.240

Add this calculation to the West coordinate. Take the individual numbers of the Legion Post and add them together (390). Take the sum of these numbers and divide the second number by the first number.

3 + 9 + 0 = 12
2 / 1 = 2 
W 088° 47.119 + 2 = W 088° 47.121

3.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Use Google Maps to determine whether the solved coordinates look reasonable.
Google Maps - solved coordinates
(The coordinates are relatively close.  Look for the Beacon.)

Happy Caching!

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