GC2M0CZ - A Blue-Frosted Sudoku

GC2M0CZ - A Blue-Frosted Sudoku
By:  sandlanders

1.  Here is the puzzle.

Observe a blue-frosted cupcake. What does it look like when viewed from the top? Of course! It resembles the spiral sudoku puzzle below. There's nothing very hard about this puzzle. Just solve it as you would any sudoku puzzle, maybe munch on a blue-frosted cupcake while you do so. Mmmmm... a sweet treat. When you have solved the puzzle, take the numbers you have put in the boxes containing letters, and substitute them for the corresponding letters to find the final coordinates here:

N 44 AB.CDE W 089 FG.0HJ

(Note the "zero" in the coordinates.)


2.  Solve the Sudoku.

Here is the original puzzle.

Start by learning how to solve Sudoku puzzles. Here is the link to a sight that will teach you the basics.

Sudoku - How to Play
To play this Sudoku, you will use the numbers 1-9.  Each number is used only one time in each Row, Column, or Square of 9 boxes.

Start by looking for numbers that are very easy to solve.  In this puzzle, 1 is the easiest number to solve, because the 1's were already given in Columns 1,6,7, and 9; Rows 1,4,5, and 7; and Squares 2,4,6, and 9.  After filling in the 1's, work on the 4's and all other numbers that are obvious.  As you can see, it was easy to complete Squares 2, 4, and 6; and Row 6.

Following the basic rules (no number can be repeated in any Row, Column, or Square of 9 boxes; and each number must be used once in each Row, Column, and Square) you should be able to identify additional solutions to the puzzle.

A technique that comes in handy is looking for the numbers are needed, figuring out where they can't go, and thereby determining where the must go.  

Look at Column 4 and Square 5.  Column 4 still needed the numbers 5, 8, and 9.  Two of Column 4's unsolved Boxes are in Square 5.  Since Square 5 already has a 9, the number 9 for Column 4 can't go in either of the boxes that are located in Square 5.  Therefore, the 9 for Column 4 must go in the unsolved pink box located in Square 8.  

This technique is very helpful in solving Sudoku puzzles.

Look at Row 3.  Notice that 2 and 5 are the only unsolved numbers.  Since there is already a 5 in Column 3, for Row 3, the 5 must be placed in Column 2.  Therefore, for Row 3, the number 2 must be placed in Column 3.

Using the methods mentioned above, the puzzle can be completed.

3.  Identify the numbers that will solve the puzzle.

A = 2
B = 6
C = 7
D = 6
E = 4
F = 4
G = 2
H = 4
J = 5

4.  Put together the Solved Coordinates.

Here are the puzzle coordinates that need to be solved.
N 44 AB.CDE W 089 FG.0HJ
(Note the "zero" in the coordinates.)

Solved Coordinates:
   N 44 26.764, W 089 42.045   

5.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Verify the Solved Coordinates with GeoChecker.
GeoChecker - A Blue-Frosted Sudoku

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