GC3F26B - Purdy Purdy Birdie

GC3F26B - Purdy Purdy Birdie
By:  Hayward Cheesehead

1.  Here is the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates:  N 46° 06.533 W 091° 27.574

Geocache Description:

I was over at my buddy Roy’s house watching Sunday Night Football when he noticed something and asked me a question. I told him I was kind of thinking the same thing. So we sat down at halftime and came up with this little puzzle. We hope you score a touchdown when you finish.

3A 6C 2B 1D 1F 6B 1A 4F
6B 2C 3C 1B 1D 1F 1D 3C
1B 1A 2C 2C 3C 4F 3E 6F
6C 1D 1F 2C 4F 6C 6B 6B
6C 4B 2C 3C 1A 6C 2B 4B

3F 5C 3E 4F 2E 3F 3B 4D
1B 4B 6C 2F 1B 3E 2C 6B
 4F 2C 1B 5A 5E 3E 4F 2E
2C 2F 6C 5F 1A 6C 2B 4B

Please replace the cache container as you found it the best you can.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)

2.  Solve the puzzle.

You will need to refer to a picture of the NBC Peacock to solve this puzzle.

NBC 2014 Indent Style

Here is the Original Puzzle.

Original Puzzle

Here is the original Puzzle Key.

Original Puzzle Key

Here are the Unsorted Puzzle Pieces.

Unsorted Puzzle Pieces

By Row, put the puzzle pieces in order, matching the color scheme of the NBC peacock.

Yellow, Orange, Red, Purple, Blue, Green

Puzzle Pieces
put in
Order by Color

Put the rearranged Puzzle Pieces together with the Puzzle Key.

Puzzle Key

Get the encrypted puzzle message.

Original Encrypted Puzzle Message

Before you proceed, there are a couple of errors on the puzzle grid that need to be corrected.  Even with these corrections, one of the words is missing a letter.

Corrected Encrypted Message

Use the Completed Puzzle Key to decrypt the Message.

Read the message, and write down the Solved Coordinates.

3.  Put together the Solved Coordinates.

Solved Coordinates:

N 46° 06.670, W 091° 26.234

4.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Use GeoCheck to verify the Solved Coordinates.

GeoCheck - Purdy Purdy Birdie

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