GC166V3 - "Odd" - Coding Is Add Combo

GC166V3 - "Odd" - Coding Is Add Combo
By: Cache Search Integrated

1. Here is the puzzle.

This is a math puzzle.
          1123 2213          
I have been watching the spate of recent math caches and have not had much luck with them. (All the math teaching cachers seem to be doing OK though!) So I thought I would try to put one out myself. Don’t feel bad if you "other cachers" have trouble with this one. I had my own trouble making it! The location is kind of specific to the answer.

N 44 3x.xxx, W 088 2y.yyy
Note that: "Gibonacci, Fibonacci and Lucas agree here!" The title of cache is helpful.

Additional Hints:

Moduli three
Seed one,one
Sum fifteen
The letters "x" and "y" are meaningless to the puzzle. They are just placeholders.
colm mulcahy bracelets

2. Helpful Resources.

According to the CO, there are three ways to solve this puzzle:

1.  Do the math (hardest).

2.  Find the right website clue, and identify the relevant information (moderately hard).
3.  Locate the give-away solution (easiest - if you can find it).

Suggestion:  Use Google to search for helpful websites.  That is where you will get your best results for this puzzle.

1.  Do the math (hardest).

If you want to pursue this option, use Google to locate resources.

2.  Find the right website clue, and identify the relevant information (moderately hard).

Search Google with the following string:

Gibonacci, Fibonacci and Lucas Moduli three Odd Coding Is Add Combo

The following websites will be listed:

Card Colm - By: Colm Mulcahy
Search this site for, "Coding Is Add Combo".  

Now locate the mod 3 (m = 3) string, which is "1 1 2 3 2 2 1 3".  This string of numbers solves the puzzle.

True Number Theory

Look for Gibonacci Bracelets, and locate m = 3 ('m' stands for moduli).

You will find the following:

"When m = 3 there is a unique (non-trivial) balanced Gibonacci bracelet
with eight beads and sum 15, got by looping the last bead of 1 1 2 3 2 2
1 3 back to the beginning. Note that Fibonacci and Lucas agree here!"
3. Locate the give-away solution (easiest - if you can find it).

Hint: The solution is on both this page and the original cache page. See if you can find it.

To locate the solution, highlight the entire Puzzle Description. The hidden solution is white font with a white background, so when you highlight everything, the hidden numbers can be seen.

The hidden numbers are: 1123 2213

3. Put together the solved coordinates.

N 44 3x.xxx, W 088 2y.yyy

Solved Coordinates:
     N 44 31.123, W 088 22.213     

4. Verify the solved coordinates with GeoChecker.

GeoChecker - "Odd" - Coding is Add Combo


  1. This puzzle was added because it demonstrates one of the topics we covered at the puzzle event.

    There is a piece of key information hidden in this puzzle. See if you can find it. You can find it on this page, or follow the link and look for it on the original cache page.

    Who can find it first!!

  2. follow the link to Gibonacci and found hidden text! Now what to do with them.
