GC26E1Y - Squire Aiden Loves His Choo Choo

GC26E1Y - Squire Aiden Loves His Choo Choo
By: Lander & Lancelot

1. Here is the puzzle.

The cache is not at the posted coordinates, but you must go there to find information to solve the puzzle.

Listed Coordinates: N 44° 51.213 W 088° 47.233

Solve for the following coordinates: N 44° 51.ABC, W 088° 47.XYZ.

The depot first opened in 190C.

Number of letters in train line that the depot was sold to in 19B1 = A.

Year that depot was moved to its present location 197X.

Year the depot was closed was in 19ZY.

Additional Hints:

Do not use line in calculation.

2.  Find the train depot and its location.

Use Google Maps and the listed coordinates to locate the train depot.

Listed coordinates:  N 44° 51.213 W 088° 47.233
Google Maps
First, determine the name of the town where the listed coordinates are located.  The name of the town is Gresham.  Now use satellite-street view to confirm that the location is a train depot.  Then search Google for information about a Gresham Train Depot.  You will find The Gresham Depot Museum.

3.  Answer the puzzle questions.

Here is a good link that you can use:

AB = Number of letters in train line that the depot was sold to in 19B1 = A.

(Do not use "Line" in the calculation.)  The Gresham railway was originally the Wisconsin Northern, but in 1921 it was sold to the SOO Line.
A = SOO = 3, so A = 3
B = 19B1 = 2, so B = 2

C = The depot first opened in 190C.

The depot first opened in 1907.
C = 190C = 7, so C = 7

X = Year that depot was moved to its present location 197X.

The depot was moved to its current location in 1974.
X = 197X = 4, so X = 4

YZ = Year the depot was closed was in 19ZY.

The depot was closed in 1963.
YZ = 19ZY = {6, 3}, so Y = 3, Z = 6

4.  Put the solved coordinates together.
N 44° 51.ABC, W 088° 47.XYZ
A = 3
B = 2
C = 7
X = 4
Y = 3
Z = 6

   N 44° 51.327, W 088° 47.436   
There is no GeoChecker for this puzzle.

CO Message:  Yes those are the right coordinate numbers. This is a tough one to find. Basically it looks like a piece of trash in the bushes.

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