GC1PDNF - Bacon, Lattice, & Tomato Sandwich

GC1PDNF - Bacon, Lattice, & Tomato Sandwich
By: Mathman, SirCumference,The Better Half, & Cutie Pi

1.  Here is the puzzle:

The cache is located at:

N 44 5A.BCD, W 089 3E.FGH

2.  Here is a hyperlink to a Lattice Math website:


3.  Here is how the grid works:

The numbers that are below and to the left of the grid are determined by using addition.  Starting at the bottom-right corner add the numbers in each diagonal row, as follows:

5 = 5

(This 5 is in the bottom box that is the farthest to the right.)

0 + 4 + 1 = 5

(This 5 is in the next bottom box to the left.)

5 + 3 + 4 + 8 + 4 = 24
(The units digit 4 is in the next bottom box, and the 2 is carried over and added to the next line.)

2 + 0 + 1 + 7 + 5 + 6 + 5 + 7 = 33
(The units digit 3 is in the next bottom box, and the tens digit 3 is added to the next line.)

3 + 3 + 4 + 2 + 8 + 3 + 8 + 2 = 33
(The units digit 3 is in the lowest box on the left, and the tens digit 3 is added to the next line.)

3 + 5 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 1 = 25
(The units digit 5 is in the next box up on the left, and the tens digit 2 is added to the next line.)

2 + 3 + 8 + 0 = 13
(The units digit 3 is in the next box up on the left, and the tens digit 1 is added to the next line.)

1 + 1 = 2
(This 2 is in the top box on the left.)

The numbers are presented diagonally within each box of the grid, with the tens digit in the top left and the units digit in the lower right.  Therefore, this is how the number 54 is represented.

The numbers that are above and to the right of the grid are used for multiplication.  These numbers need to be identified to complete this puzzle.  Next, we will work on identifying those numbers.

4.  Identify the numbers that go in the top and right rows.

Knowing that the numbers that are above and to the right of the grid are used for multiplication, look for the easiest numbers to solve, as follows:

The only two numbers that = 81 when multiplied together are 9 X 9.  Therefore, boxes B and H must each be = 9.  (If B = 9 and H = 9, then box BH = 81.  As you can see box BH = 81. Therefore, B and H are both = 9.)

Now look at Box BG.  BG = 27.  Since B = 9, BG = 27, and 9 x 3 = 27, then G = 3.

Next look at Box FG.  FG = 15.  Since G = 3, FG = 15, and 3 x 5 = 15, then F = 5.

Using the same method, you can identify the rest of the numbers in the grid as follows:

Box FC = 30.  Since F = 5, FC = 30, and 5 x 6 = 30, then C = 6.

Box FD = 30.  Since F = 5, FD = 30, and 5 x 6 = 30, then D = 6.

Box AC = 18.  Since C = 6, AC = 18, and 6 x 3 = 18, then A = 3.

Box EG = 18.  Since G = 3, EG = 18, and 6 x 3 = 18, then E = 6.

5.  Put your solved coordinates together.

You now have the numbers you need to solve the coordinates.

  • A = 3
  • B = 9
  • C = 6
  • D = 6
  • E = 6
  • F = 5
  • G = 3
  • H = 9

N 44 5A.BCD, W 089 3E.FGH

6.  Solved Coordinates.

   N 44° 53.966, W 089° 36.539   

There is no GeoChecker for this puzzle.

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