GC1HHJ4 - WSQ 40 SCC Sir Malory's Code of Chivalry

GC1HHJ4 - WSQ 40 SCC Sir Malory's Code of Chivalry
By: Lander & Lancelot

1. Here is the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates: N 44° 50.848 W 088° 48.420

Located at St. Francis Catholic Cemetery west of Gresham.

Sir Thomas Malory's description of the Knights' code of chivalry:

A= To never do ______ nor murder

B= Always to flee _______

C= To by no means be ______ but to give mercy unto him who asks for mercy

X= To always do ladies, gentlewomen and widows ______

Y= To never _______ ladies, gentlewomen or widows

Z= Not to take up battles in wrongful _______ for love or worldly goods

Solve for N44 ° 50.ABC and W088 ° 48.XYZ. 

Use these values by placing the correct words in the blanks: 

outrage = 9
succor = 3
quarrels = 0
force = 9
treason = 0
cruel = 8
disrespectful = 2
fight = 5
situations = 2
wrong = 4
unclean = 7
cheat = 1
enemies = 6

Additional Hints (No hints available.)

2.  Solve the puzzle.

Here is a useful site.
The Knights' Code of Chivalry

Answer Key

outrage = 9
succor = 3
quarrels = 0
force = 9
treason = 0
cruel = 8
disrespectful = 2
fight = 5
situations = 2
wrong = 4
unclean = 7
cheat = 1
enemies = 6

Puzzle Questions

A = To never do ______ nor murder (outrage)
A = 9

B = Always to flee _______ (treason)

B = 0

C = To by no means be ______ but to give mercy unto him who asks for mercy (cruel)

C = 8

X = To always do ladies, gentlewomen and widows ______ (succor)

X = 3

Y = To never _______ ladies, gentlewomen or widows (force)

Y = 9

Z = Not to take up battles in wrongful _______ for love or worldly goods (quarrels)

Z = 0

3.  Put the Solved Coordinates together.

Puzzle Coordinates: N 44 ° 50.ABC, W 088 ° 48.XYZ

Solved Coordinates:
   N 44 ° 50.908, W 088 ° 48.390   

4.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Use Google Maps to verify the Solved Coordinates.
Google Maps - St. Francis Solanus Cemetery
Looks good!


  1. This site will help with the solve:http://everything2.com/title/The+Knights%2527+Code+Of+Chivalry
