GC3FR6M - Machickanee Tile Pile

GC3FR6M - Machickanee Tile Pile

By: prestontucker

1. Here is the puzzle.

Ten 10-letter words have been set on tiles, two letters per tile. Some of the tiles have been placed in correct order for each of the words. When you place the tiles from the TILE PILE correctly in the boxes, you will complete the ten words, and no tiles will be left over.  
Once the tile is in the correct word take the number for that word and place it into the coordinate.

2.  Getting started.

Either print out, or put the puzzle on a spreadsheet, so it is easier to work with.

3.  Look for easily identifiable letter combinations.

Here are some obvious places to start:

Row 1:  __CK
Row 5:  IN__UL
Row 7:  SM__ER
Row 9:  __RN
Row 0:  RO__

Try various tile combinations to fill in these items with logical solutions.  Then highlight the tiles that have been used, so you won't try to use them again.

Row 1:  Once you fill in the blank with JA, you have LU__ERJACK.  Now the word lumberjack stands out, so you can fill it in immediately.

Row 5:  Once you fill in the blank with GF, the text string 'ingful' stands out, and the word meaningful becomes obvious.  Therefore, you can fill in the word meaningful immediately.

Row 7:  Once you fill in the blank with AK, the word maker stands out, and the word dressmaker becomes obvious.  Therefore, you can fill in the word dressmaker immediately.

Row 9:  There were 2 possibilities for __RN, corn or barn.  When corn is formed, you will have PE__ERCORN.  Now peppercon is obvious, and it can be completed immediately.

Row 10:  There are 2 possibilities for RO__, road or room.  It will be easier to wait a while to solve this row, but the endings should be kept in mind as you proceed.

4.  Finish the word grid.

Using the same method described above, complete the word grid.

5.  Put the solved coordinates together.

W 088 OM AN . ES PP AD

GF = 5  (GF is in row 5)
BR = 0  (BR is in row 0)...
SN = 4
CO = 9
EG = 0

OM = 0
AN = 5
ES = 7
PP = 9
AD = 2

   N 44° 50.490 W 088° 05.792   

. Verify the solved coordinates using GeoChecker.
Geochecker.com - Machickanee Tile Pile

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