By: The R.G.B. Red Herring Coffee Co. INC

1. Here is the puzzle.


A cache by The R.G.B Red Herring Coffee Co. INC

N 44° 01.000 W 088° 45.750
UTM: 16T E 358731 N 4875234
SE SE 77.8 mi from your home location

Geocache Description:


I hear that someone’s java fund had to get tapped.
I felt sorry for him and made a midnight run under the cover of darkness.
I would think that this would be a dream come true. Java and a puzzle.
And to make it REAL interesting, there is a $20 gift card to a certain java drinker’s favorite coffee place for the FTF.
Good Luck!

Additional Hints (No hints available.)

2. Identify the Puzzle.

This is a binary puzzle; however, a standard numeric binary conversion doesn't get you anywhere.  As it turns out, the puzzle is an alphabetic cipher.  With a quick Google search of the phrase "alphabetic binary cipher" you will discover Baconian Cipher or Bacon's Cipher.

After many failed attempts to identify the puzzle components, we decided that we needed to simplifying the puzzle.  Since the Dollar Signs and Stars were the most obvious puzzle objects, we started there.  It was easier to see the symbols without the mugs, red herrings, and color distractions, so we removed those items.

With the distractions out of the way, we could more easily test the cipher.

Here are a couple of links to the Baconian Cipher.  Notice that the cipher has two versions.  In one version, every letter has a distinct code (use that one).  In the other version I/J share a code and U/V share a code (do not use that one).

Bacon's Cipher
Bacon's Bilateral Cipher
Bacon's Cipher Decrypter - from Geocaching Tools

This is the tool that I found to be the most useful.

Bacon's Cipher Encoder/Decoder

Here are some issues you will need to address while trying to solve this puzzle.

With a Baconian binary cipher there are two ways to assign the labels, A and B.

1. Make all the Dollar Signs A's and all the Stars B's.
2. Make all the Dollar Signs B's and all the Stars A's.

You will need to test both.

Having done that, you will quickly discover you have another problem. How do you read the blocks to decrypt the message?

1. Left to Right (BBABA)
2. Right to Left (ABABB)
3. Top to Bottom (BBBAA)
4. Bottom to Top (AABBB)

And finally, how will you identify a potential solution?

1. Read the Message from top left to bottom right
2. Read the Message from bottom right to top left
3. Read the Words from left to right
4. tfel ot thgir morf sdroW eht daeR

Now get your feet wet.  Give it a try.

...Imagine the theme song from Jeopardy playing while you work...

Music Notes Stock by bassgeisha

Do, Do, Do, Do

Do, Do, Do...

Do, Do, Do, Do


Do, Do, Do, Do, Do...

Music Notes Stock by bassgeisha

Do, Do, Do, Do

Do, Do, Do...


Do, Do, Do

Doop, Doop, Doop...

boom, boom

Music Notes Stock by bassgeisha

Ok, by now you should have discovered that this binary solution was a Red Herring.  There were words that looked as though they might become a meaningful message, albeit with serious misspellings and word omissions, but in the end it turned out to be gibberish.

Great!  Now what!!

Back to the cups.  It turns out there are two other binary possibilities in the cup grids that could potentially solve this puzzle.

1.  Symbol Colors

Every cup has Symbols that are either Black or an Other-color.
Isolate the colored symbols.  Then assign A or B labels to the Black and Other-colored Symbols.  (Remember, you might have to reverse these letter assignments and test them.) 

2.  Background Colors

Every cup has colored Background Blocks located behind the symbols that are either Red or an Other-color.

Start by isolating the color blocks.  Then
 assign A or B labels to the Red and Other-colored Blocks.  (Again, you might have to reverse the A-B assignments and test them.)

Now you are ready to test the code strings to identify which binary code solves the puzzle.

Enter the code strings you want to test into the Bacon's Cipher encoder/decrypter, in groups of five separated by a space.  Each decrypted letter of the alphabet is composed of five encrypted code letters.  It will be much easier to proofread your work and correct typos if the groups of code you enter are each separated by a space.

Remember to use the 26 letter cipher, and test as follows (refer to the middle block above):

1. Left to Right (BABBB) - top row
2. Right to Left (BBBAB) - top row
3. Top to Bottom (BBAAB) - middle column
4. Bottom to Top (BAABB) - middle column

This decrypted code reads backward.  It says, "Two West Zero Eigh..."

3.  Solve the Puzzle.

So far, we have determined that this puzzle is an alphabetic binary cipher that can be decrypted by using Bacon's Cipher.  Furthermore, there are three distinct binary codes hidden in the cups.

1.  Dollar Signs and Stars

2.  Symbol Colors
3.  Background Block Colors

In addition, label assignments must be tested.

1.  A - B assignment

2.  B - A assignment

Code entry must be tried in every direction.

1.  Left to Right

2.  Right to Left
3.  Top to Bottom
4.  Bottom to Top

Determine which direction the solution must be read.

1.  Top Left corner to Bottom Right corner

2.  Bottom Right Corner to Top Left corner
3.  Read Forward - Left to Right
4.  Read Backward - Right to Left

Finally, and this is probably the most important, what is this CO's typical method of operation.

Having solved many other HCH puzzles, we have discovered that he typically takes the most difficult path and obscures the solution with spelling errors and omitted words.  In other words, save yourself time and frustration by testing the most difficult and illogical path first, working your way toward the easiest and most logical path.

Start by testing:

1.  Background Color Blocks - binary system

2.  B (Red), A (Other-colored) label assignments

3. Code Entry from Bottom Right Square to Top Left Square
(This will make it so the decrypted message reads correctly, otherwise you will have to read the message backward.)
4.  Top to Bottom Code Entry (Columns, starting with the right column in each square)

Here are the Color Block puzzle grids.

Now, starting at the Bottom Left corner, start entering the code strings into the Bacon's Cipher encoder/decrypter.  Enter the strings in groups of five letters, separated by a space, starting at the right column, entering code letters from top to bottom.

Bacon's Cipher - encoder/decrypter


Here are the decrypted squares.

4.  Put the Solved Coordinates together.

Solved Coordinates:
N 43 59.822, W 088 44.095   

5.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Use GeoCheck to verify the Solved Coordinates.
GeoCheck - JAVA


  1. We have been struggling with this puzzle since October or November and haven't made much progress. We're hoping that now that we all have more experience with Hayward Cheezehead puzzles, we'll be able to crack this thing.

    What do you think everybody? Are we up to the challenge?

  2. Does anyone know anything about JAVA (you know, the internet/computer JAVA)? Could that be related to this puzzle?

  3. Likely range of coordinates for north:
    N 43 59.738 to N 44 00.425

    N 44 00.600 to N 44 02.262

    However: the further north you go, the further away from the road you get. By the time you get all the way up to Omro, you're very far off the line of telephone poles.

    If we end up brute-forcing this one, he'll know we got the West coordinate from somewhere, but we could start boxing in all the phone poles along the southern end and start guessing.

  4. For example - There is a phone pole at N 43 59.747 W 088 44.095, another one at N 43 59.780, another one at N 43 59.807, a nice stop sign at N 43 59.818, a lovely tree at N 43 59.823...
    I don't want to take that route yet, but honestly, how long could it take? - Mr. RT.

  5. Here is a hint I got from the CO last night:

    Thinking inside the box may or may not help.

  6. Here is the content of an email I sent to the CO and his response.

    I Said:

    Hi CH,

    It's going to be hard to remember everything I've done, but here goes.

    1. Highlight entire screen looking for hidden text.
    2. Looking at each cup as one digit in the coordinates, and trying to find a way to convert the symbols ($, *, etc) to numbers.
    3. Looking for colored items that could be counted to get coordinate numbers.
    4. Evaluating the red text as a possible cryptogram.
    5. Ctrl U - search for hidden comments or number strings that could be coordinates
    6. Inspected image elements for words or numbers
    7. Copy Images and open in Notepade, then search for numbers or text that could be coordinates
    8. Counted the fish
    9. Converted * and $ to 0 and 1, looking for binary code
    10. Applying colors to electronics color coding looking for meaningful numbers.

    There has been more, but I can't remember everything I have tried.

    Rib Ticklers

    CO's Response:

    Well, those are modern techniques. Maybe try old school ways.

  7. Right now I'm wright every thing in the mugs into a grid. With the same color and star and $. Trying to make it all look the same with out the coffee mugs. It's turning out to be a 15 by 25 grid.

    1. I think you're on to something here. This looks binary to me, but I've been told it's a cipher -- alphabetic, not numeric. Is there some kind of alphabetic cipher that looks or behaves binary? Does anyone know about ciphers? Is there such a thing?

  8. I'm with Bonny, the mugs were really distracting. If you only look at the Star & $ sign grids inside of the mugs, it looks binary. There is one mug that has two H's and another mug that has a large hand drawn C in the handle. This is very typical in Hayward Cheezehead puzzles. It's like his signature.

    Anyway, back to the binary idea. I went to Google and searched for "binary alphabetic cipher". Here's what I got, and it looks promising.



    I just found this and haven't had time to give it more than a cursory glance, so if anyone else wants to explore this possibility, that would be great. Let us all know if we should explore that direction.

  9. I've placed a simplified Star and $ Sign grid on Java to facilitate testing of the Baconian Cipher.

  10. The Stars and $ Signs started turning into words, sort of. There were many misspelled words, but it was starting to look like a solution. In the end, it turned out to be gibberish. A Red Herring! In the Logs, someone mentioned this experience.

    We discovered something interesting though. In each cup grid there are three binary puzzles, which coexist in the same space:

    1. $ Signs & Stars
    2. Black Symbols & Other-colored Symbols
    3. Red Block Backgrounds & Other-colored Block Backgrounds

    Each one of these could be a unique cipher that could solve this puzzle.

    We are convinced that this IS A BACONIAN CIPHER! It's just a matter of identifying the correct binary components.

    We are going to look at the symbol colors next.

  11. Are a few good resources for this puzzle:




    IMPORTANT: Be sure to use the version that uses Distinct Values for each letter of the alphabelt, or you won't succeed.

    If anyone gets this, please let us know what resources you used, your logic and reasoning, and the techniques you used to solve the puzzle.

  12. We just tested Black Symbols & Other-colored Symbols. There was nothing! Not even a red herring.

    Now we'll try the Red Backgrounds & Other-colored Backgrounds.

  13. SOLVED!!!

    This is a Bacon's Cipher. The Binary Code is in the Background Color Blocks on each mug. Red blocks are one binary code, and all of the other color blocks are the second binary code.

    You will label each binary item either A or B. This means that if the Red Blocks = A, all of the other blocks = B. If the Red Block = B, all the other blocks = A.

    The puzzle solution reads from Bottom Right Corner, to Top Left Corner. The first word is "NORTH".

    Use this link, and give it a try:


  14. Replies
    1. Now that we have solved all but a dozen of the HCH puzzles, I'm going to start by answering your question with a Hint.

      Hayward Cheezehead almost always takes the more difficult and convoluted path. Also, either his spelling is atrocious, he's sloppy, or he thinks it's funny to mess with people by placing intentional spelling errors. Since I don't know the man, I withhold an opinion. Suffice it to say that you can expect spelling errors.

      You have to try assigning the A - B labels two different ways:

      1. Make all the Red Blocks A's and all Other-colored Blocks B's.
      2. Make all the Red Blocks B's and all Other-colored Blocks A's.

      Having done that, you will quickly discover you have another problem. How do you read the blocks to decrypt the message?

      1. Left to Right.
      2. Right to Left.
      3. Top to Bottom.
      4. Bottom to Top.

      And finally, how will you identify a potential solve?

      1. Read the Message from top left to bottom right
      2. Read the Message from bottom right to top left
      3. Read the Words from left to right
      4. tfel ot thgir morf sdroW eht daeR

  15. I've added a bit more tutorial info to JAVA.

    This post is coming in pieces, because JAVA is a very complicated puzzle, and it is time consuming preparing this presentation. I'll add more as I can.

  16. I'm glad you tackled this puzzle. I really didn't seriously look at this one because it was way above my abilities.

  17. Replies
    1. WooHoo Happy Dance!!!! Congrats!! :-)

    2. Bonnie, Congratulations, you have more patience than me!!

  18. Thanks for the ideas and resource links everyone!

    JAVA is now completed and moved to the Solved Puzzles list. Yahoo!! :-)
