GC5NZDR - Proportional Perspective

GC5NZDR - Proportional Perspective
By: Team Monkeyboy

1. Here is the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates: N 40° 04.645 W 082° 27.229

Geocache Description:

"Normally, such quandaries give the
explorer a wonderful occasion to go hiking
beyond conceptual confines."

- Anonymous

Additional Hints:

"Normally" and "wonderful" begin with familiar letters.

2.  Solve the puzzle.

Here is the puzzle that needs to be solved.

"Normally, such quandaries give the
explorer a wonderful occasion to go hiking
beyond conceptual confines."

- Anonymous

Additional Hints:  "Normally" and "wonderful" begin with familiar letters.  Therefore, assume "Normally" stands for North and "wonderful" stands for West.

Count the number of letters in each word, then replace the word with that number.  For double digit numbers, use only the last digit to solve the puzzle.

Normally = North
such = 4
quandaries = 10
give = 4
the = 3
explorer = 8
a = 1

Wonderful = West
Occasion = 8
To = 2
Go = 2
Hiking = 6
Beyond = 6
Conceptual = 10
Confines = 8

Posted Coordinates:
N 40° 04.645, W 082° 27.229

Solved Coordinates:
N 40° 04.381,  W 082° 26.608

3.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Use GeoCheck to verify the solved coordinates.

GeoCheck - Proportional Perspective

Happy Caching!


  1. Pharmdog will claim this one prior to Ribtickers. I didn't realize you had been working on the puzzle. Saw it right away. I couldn't believe how easy this one was considering it came from Team Monkeyboy. Your mistake was in your counting!!

  2. RT your the one who told me to count the letters. lol

  3. LOL -- I misspelled quandaries when I set up the puzzle. :-p I got it now. Hee, Hee...
