GC1GJZB - WSQ Abrams-Stiles Catholic Cemetery

GC1GJZB - WSQ Abrams-Stiles Catholic Cemetery

By: Bartrod

1. Here is the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates: N 44° 51.930 W 088° 03.279

Geocache Description:

This puzzle can be solved on-site. As this is a cemetery cache, the cache is not located on or connected to any grave stone. Please be respectful of the cemetery grounds and visitors. If there are people at the cemetery, consider trying the cache at some other time.

My brother-in-law was killed in a motorcycle accident when the driver of a pick-up truck, while out barhopping, cut in front of him. He was returning from a short vacation after spending most of it building a fireplace for my wife and I. He left behind a wife, LINDA (clue), and four young daughters. This cache is a tribute to him and a reminder to drink/drive responsibly.
You'll need to solve this puzzle from the information at his final resting place to find the coordinates to the cache:

N44 5A.AAA
W88 0B.CDE 

A.AAA = His birth date (4 digits) - 28
B= the number of I’s in his full name
C=the number of N’s in his full name
D=the number of H’s + L’s in his first name
E=the third digit of the year he was married

Additional Hints:

About five or six feet high on a deciduous tree.

2. Solve the puzzle.

Puzzle Coordinates:  N 44 5A.AAA, W 088 0B.CDE

Use Google Obituary Search, Ancestry.com, and Find A Grave to look for listings at the Abrams - Stiles Catholic Cemetery that match the description:  wife Linda, four daughters, motorcycle accident.
Philip L Dantinne - Married Linda Patenaude Oct. 9, 1976
The Ancestry.com, Family Trees listings, shows that Philip and Linda had 4 children.

A.AAA = His birth date (4 digits) - 28 = 1952 - 28 = 1.924
A.AAA = 1.924

B = the number of I’s in his full name = 3
B = 3

C = the number of N’s in his full name = 3
C = 3

D = the number of H’s + L’s in his first name = 3
D = 3 (confirmed)

Find A Grave listed Philip, with one L (there is no headstone pic); Ancestry.com listed Phillip, with two L's.  Also, the MI is L, do you count the MI? 
Since I couldn't solve this problem online, I asked a former Finder.

E = the third digit of the year he was married = 7

E = 7

Solved Coordinates:
N 44 51.924, W 088 03.337

3.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Today I used the most accurate method to verify the solved coordinates.  I asked the CO to confirm them.

Google Maps - solved coordinates

Happy Caching!


  1. WOW! Only 799 cemetery sites to consider. I'm looking for a male 35-60 years of age. Also trying to connect the owner of the cache and the E-Mail address. I think the cache may be owned by Rod & Sallie Barta for Oconto, WI. Now trying to find if they had a relation that died prematurely in a car accident.

  2. So far I'm at listing 160. I found 1 that looks really interesting: Philip L Dantinne

    He was married to Linda, and there are I's, L's, H's, and N's in his name. He died in 1989, when he was 36 yrs old. I haven't looked for an obit yet.

    1. Also, Philip & Linda Dantinne had 4 children (per Ancestry.com)

  3. I made it through Abram - Stiles Cemetery Listing #160.

    If anyone continues to scan for additional possibilities, let me know what you find and how far you get.
