GC1CRF9 - The Doctor Visits

GC1CRF9 - The Doctor Visits
By:  seldom|seen - adopted by terribletom

Posted Coordinates: N 44 31.129 W 089 35.236

1.  Here is the puzzle.


All the time I had been spending traveling around looking for lonely caches was taking its toll on me and I was feeling a bit worn down, downright alien in fact. On top of that, I'd developed a strange batch of symptoms. I was having trouble breathing when I put my gold wedding band on, I became very sensitive to the summer heat and I even developed a small hole in the back of my neck.

Having no idea what was going on I decided to see a specialist. When I got to the office, a tiny looking place from the outside, I was amazed at how big the place was inside.

"I'm here to see the Doctor", I said.
"Which one?", said the nurse."We have ten on staff"
"Whichever one can help me", I replied.
"Hmmm... you got me", she said."I'd better get a few of them in here to have a look at you".

She hooked me up to an EKG looking device and then left the room. Moments later she returned with a number of not all that physician-like looking characters in tow, entering the room quarreling amongst themselves...

The oldest, a gray haired chap with an odd-looking bow-tie enters followed by a darkly dressed man with large head of hair and a tallish character wearing a trench-coat and looking more like Harpo than a physician. Two more enter after the third, a shorter smartly dressed man with a sprig of celery on his lapel followed by an intense looking young fellow.

"My dear Miss Shaw, I never report myself anywhere, particularly not forthwith"
"Well, pardon me, at least the doctor you replaced had the courtesy to come when called"
 she retorts
The oldest chap turns to the the two that entered with him and says,
"So you're my replacements! A dandy and a clown!", to which the aloof one replies,
Well, I'll tell you something that should be of vital interest to you. That you, Sir, are a NITWIT!
Then the tall one in the trench coat turns to the vocal one and says,
"You may be a doctor. But I'm THE Doctor. The definite article, you might say."
The keenly dressed doctor pipes up,
"It's times like this I wish I still had my scarf."
Much as I admire your stoic acceptance ... I would appreciate it if you would shut up for a moment. the smug one continues.
Pity about the scarf; Madame Nostradamus made it for me. Witty little knitter.
The nurse, very frustrated at this point, declares that she is leaving to let the doctor's sort it all out. As she turns to go, the only doctor who hasn't spoken a word yet says,
"Go out there, dressed like that, you'll start a riot, Barbarella."
The argumentative one comes over to the EKG apparatus and fiddles with a knob a bit,
"There, I've reversed the polarity of the Neutron flow, that should do it"
"That's it?" I ask.
"Yup, would you like a jelly baby?"

What a strange batch of characters to all be practicing in the same office.
Additional Hints (No hints available.)

2.  Identify the Code used in the puzzle
Even if you don't know anything about "Dr. Who", a little googling with the key phrases in blue will quickly bring you to any one of many web pages associated with the good Dr. in all his manifestations.  

One good link is here:

Doctor Who

A quick analysis tells you you're trying to identify which doctor may have said each of the ten different phrases in quotes, and will probably use them to fill in the coordinates based on the Posted Coordinates.

3.  Solve the Puzzle.

Since each of these is meant to be a direct quote, just put the entire quote into Google Search, quotes and all.  In most cases, you'll get an immediate hit.  Sometimes you have to limit the search a bit.

A = "My dear Miss Shaw, I never report myself anywhere, particularly not forthwith"

A = The Third Doctor

B = "So you're my replacements! A dandy and a clown!"

B = The First Doctor

C = Well, I'll tell you something that should be of vital interest to you. That you, Sir, are a NITWIT!

C = The Third Doctor

D = "You may be a doctor. But I'm THE Doctor. The definite article, you might say."

D = The Fourth Doctor

E = "It's times like this I wish I still had my scarf."

E = The Fifth Doctor

F = Much as I admire your stoic acceptance ... I would appreciate it if you would shut up for a moment.

F = The Third Doctor  (This one took a little searching.)

G = Pity about the scarf; Madame Nostradamus made it for me. Witty little knitter.

G = The Fourth Doctor

H = "Go out there, dressed like that, you'll start a riot, Barbarella."

H = The Ninth Doctor

I = "There, I've reversed the polarity of the Neutron flow, that should do it"

I = The Third Doctor (Talkative fellow, isn't he?  This one took some tweaking.)

J = "Yup, would you like a jelly baby?"

J = The Fourth Doctor

Using the Posted Coordinates as a starting point, fill in this as a best guess:

N 44 AB.CDE W 089 FG.HIJ

Solved Coordinates:
N 44 31.345, W 089 34.934

3.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Use GeoChecker to verify the Solved Coordinates.

What a strange batch of characters to all be practicing in the same office.

Happy Caching!!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't get this for the longest time. Then one day my daughter was talking about a TV show called "Doctor Who". She was all excited because there was a "new doctor." A little googling came up with this site http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/26lPl8SMrCtDvM3k3H9nLW2/the-doctors and soon I had the solve.
