GC4C4TG - Peanut Gallery

GC4C4TG - Peanut Gallery

By: Sandlanders

1. Here is the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates:  N 43° 57.005 W 089° 44.690

Geocache Description:

Let the Peanuts Gang help you solve this puzzle
and get you where you need to go for the smiley.

Additional Hints:

Puzzle: Check out the cache name... and go "back" to zero one zero two three one six zero.

2.  Solve the puzzle.

Go to sandlanders Profile and click on the Gallery Tab.

sandlanders Profile
Now scroll through the pages until you get to Page 252.  At the bottom of the page is a photo dated 6/13/2010 which is the same Peanut Gallery picture that is in the cache description.  Click on the photo.  The coordinates are listed at the bottom of the picture.

Here is what you will find:

Bushwhack through a pine plantation to:

N 43° 57.545, W 089° 45.307

Here is the Google Maps link (it's in a pine plantation):

Google Maps - solved coordinates

Happy Caching!


  1. The cache page states that the cache is located in a Public Hunting Area. According to the DNR Map of public hunting areas close to the Posted Coordinates, the most likely spot is an 80-acre plot north of County M and east of 9th Ave. The north coordinates would be somewhere between N 43 57.367 and N 43 57.577, and the west coordinates somewhere between W 89 44.854 and W 89 45.443

  2. OK - this is interesting...
    The numbers 01023160 in reverse are 06132010, also read as 06/13/2010, or June 6, 2010.
    The Charles M Schulz Museum was running an exhibit from Feb 7, 2010 until June 6, 2010, called "Take a Hike, Snoopy", which detailed Snoopy's adventures as a Beagle Scout.

  3. Thanks for finding this site. A agree that the hint suggest going to this site. I looked at the dates of the comic scripts thinking that this would help with the solution, but I hit a dead end!

  4. Here is something interesting:


    This is a Gallery page on the CO's profile, and the photo dated 6/13/2010 is the Peanut Gallery picture that is in the cache description. I am currently having computer problems, so I can't save this pic and open it with MS Word or Notebook. The coordinates could be hidden in the pic, which could explain why there isn't a GeoChecker for this puzzle. Sanlanders is really good about providing a GeoChecker, so I think the coordinates will be very straight forward when you find them.

    Could someone please save this image, then open it with a text reader and see if the coords are hidden in the image?


    1. I think I just found it!

      Go to the link I provided above and find the Peanut Gallery picture. Right click on the picture and select Inspect Elements. Here is what you will find:

      Bushwhack through a pine plantation to:
      N 43° 57.545' W 089° 45.307

      Here is the Google Maps link (it's in a pine plantation):


  5. Who would of thought that Sandlanders where hiding the coordinates in their own gallery. I did look in there own gallery but looked back for pictures around the date that the cache was placed. Saw your note to Sandlanders, it seems that Sandlanders are always willing to give help on their puizzles!! May need to use them on a few remaining puzzles of theirs.
