GC271Q9 - The Introduction-No good will come from this

GC271Q9 - The Introduction-No good will come from this
By:  Hayward Cheezehead

1.  Here is the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates: N 46° 03.693 W 091° 25.600

Geocache Description:

Some insperation perhaps?

No Good will come from this" I told him. His reply was "I hate to say this, but you're my inspiration for these nasty little things.

He said there was a lack of true 5/5’s. He planted the seed and this is what grew from it. Well, here’s the outcome. It’s been a long winter and Cheezehead’s notebook got pretty full. Like I said, this is the "Introduction" to what might appear sometime in the future. So, in the spirit of a true 5/5, No clues or hints will be given at this time.

Who is "He"? Well, He knows who He is.
You just might also want to watch this puzzle too. Notes, clues & hints will be posted at random times. And if you want to just ignore this puzzle cache, well than, just do.

Additional Hints

None at this time, Blame it on "Him". But I would keep a close eye out cuz ya never know when.

June fourteen- was ya watchin? a clue was given

In case you missed it, here it is.
B-T(CC)=(A-9÷2)= 9x4=(4x9)

2.  Solve the Puzzle.

Let me start by saying this puzzle is Fraught With Errors!!  We counted at least 12 errors in this puzzle.  By accident or design, we can't say; but the constant errors certainly increase the difficulty level and reduce the enjoyment when solving Cheezehead puzzles.

We aren't sure what the Additional Hints mean, if anything, but here is how Mr. RT dissected this one.

These are clue images that were provided on the cache page.

The Letter/Number Blocks shown above will be separated and placed into the empty grid, shown below.

Place the Letter/Number Blocks into the grid using the pattern shown below.

Here is the completed Answer Key.

Answer Key

You will use this grid as an Answer Key to solve the puzzle.

To solve the puzzle, first notice that the Answer Key is divided into four quadrants:  Upper Left, Upper Right, Lower Left, and Lower Right.  If you look at the empty grid from above, you will see that each quadrant has its individual blocks numbered 1 - 9.  Use these two pieces of information to read the puzzle.

To read the Top Left Block (Row 1, Column 1), look at the Upper Right Quadrant, Block 2.  The answer for this Block is E.

Now read the next block to the right (Row 1, Column 2).  The solution for this block us in the Upper Right Quadrant, Block 3.  The answer for this Block is F.

The answer for the next block (Row 1, Column 3) is in the Lower Left Quadrant, Block 7.  The answer for this Block is 4.

The next block (Row 1, Column 4) is in the Upper Right Quadrant, Block 1, which is H.

The next block (Row 1, Column 5) is in the Lower Right Quadrant, Block 8, which is S.

...And so on, until you have filled in the entire puzzle grid...

Here is the puzzle grid with the solved values placed in each block.  Now you need to read the solution to the puzzle.

Start at the Bottom Right Corner (Column 10) and read Up, then read Down Column 9, read Up Column 8, read Down Column 7,......until you have finished reading the message.

3.  Put together the Solved Coordinates.

Solved Coordinates:
   N 46 04.937, W 091 26.748   

4.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Use GeoCheck to verify the solved coordinates.

GeoCheck - solved coordinates

Happy Caching!

1 comment:

  1. Another one bites the dust. Only Nine Cheezehead puzzles to go!! :-D
