GC3AK9T - Cribbage

GC3AK9T - Cribbage
By:  woodcarverdan

1.  Here is the puzzle.

This is a Simple Puzzle Cache, all you have to do is score the Cribbage Hands.

Solving Puzzles are not my Favorite thing to do! But, in order to be a well rounded cache creator, I have created my first puzzle cache that can be solved from the convenience of your computer.

The Cache is at:

N 45* AB.CDE

A = 

B = 

C = 

D = 

E = 

F = 

G = 

H = 

I = 

J = 

When you think you have solved this puzzle you can check your solution by clicking on the Certitude link below.

When entering the coordinates into the coordinates checker

enter them in the following format,


* = one space, no symbol for degrees.

You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude.

Additional Hints:

There are many places on the Web where you can learn how to score cribbage.
Don't forget about Nobs.
Remember, you're just scoring the hands, not playing them.

2.  Score the cribbage hands.

Here is a website that shows how to count a cribbage hand.

Rubl.com - Counting a Cribbage Hand

A = 

This had has a run of three: Jack, Queen, King. Since the Jack of spades is a different suit than the 9 of clubs, there is no Nobs.  

Therefore, A = 3

B = 

In this hand you have (9 + 6 = 15) two times for 4 points, plus a pair of 9's for another 2 points.

Therefore, B = 6

C =

For this hand you have 3 face cards (each worth 10) and one 5, so you would have (10 + 5 = 15) three times for 6 points, a pair of Queens for 2 points, and the Jack of spades matched the 3 of spades for Nobs, which is 1 additional point.

Therefore, C = 9

D =

This hand has a five card run (2,3,4,5,6) for 5 points, 
6 + 4 + 5 = 15 for 2 points, 
and 6 + 4 + 3 + 2 = 15 for 2 points.

Therefore, D = 9

E =

In this hand you have a pair of Queens for 2 points, and 2 face cards (each worth 10) and a 5 so you would have (10 + 5 = 15) two times for 4 points.

Therefore, E = 6

F =

This hand only has 7 + 8 = 15 for 2 points.

Therefore, F = 2

G =

This hand has 7 + 8 = 15 for 2 points, and the Jack of spades matches the 2 of spades for Nobs, which is 1 point.

Therefore, G = 3

H =

This hand has Nobs (Jack and 3 of hearts) for 1 point, and that's it.

Therefore, H = 1

I =

This hand has a run of three (6,7,8) for 3 points, 8 + 7 = 15 for 2 points, and a pair of 3's for 2 points.

Therefore, I = 7

J =

The Jack that is turned up was counted at the time it was turned over, so you do not count Nobs for this hand.  There is a pair of Kings for 2 points.

Therefore, J = 2

3.  Put the solved coordinates together.

N 45 AB.CDE, W 089 FG.HIJ

A = 3 
B = 6 
C = 9 
D = 9 
E = 6 
F = 2 
G = 3 
H = 1 
I = 7 
J = 2

Solved Coordinates:
    N 45 36.996, W 089 23.172   

4.  Verify the Solved Coordinates with Certitude.
Certitude - Cribbage


  1. This puzzle is interesting, because it introduces yet another clever way to obtain numbers for solved coordinates. Thanks Lugnut, for telling us about this nice puzzle.

  2. Very easy puzzle to solve if you know the game of cribbage.

  3. My fiance and his family LOVE cribbage. So he helped me solve this one. He is working on teaching me but I haven't played a lot yet.

  4. Be sure to make use of the online resource: Rubl.com

    It has very helpful info for learning the game of Cribbage.
