GC27G50 - WSQ: GoldPetal

GC27G50 - WSQ: GoldPetal
By: Cache Money Mafia

1. Here is the Puzzle.

The listed coordinates ( N 44° 56.320, W 089° 37.081 ) will take you to an entrance of the cemetery, where you will search for the appropriate Headstone to obtain the necessary information for the final cache location. (After you locate the family stone, gather information using only the headstones that face the sky.)

The Final is located at..

N 44 56.ABC and W 089 36.DEF

A = The number of headstones behind the family stone.

B = The number of headstones to the immediate left of the family stone plus three. (+3)

C = The number of headstones in front of the family stone.

DE = The last 2 digits of the year HERMIONE "GOLDPETAL" was born plus three. (+3)

F = Number of letters in the Family Name minus six. (-6)

Additional Hints:

1. Opposites Attract

2. You may be able to SEE the butterfly, but you won't be able to catch it. (onsite clue)

2. Find the name of the cemetery.

Here is the link to a map site that you can use to find the name of the cemetery.

Enter the Listed Coordinates ( N 44° 56.320, W 089° 37.081 ) into the online map search, and locate the name of the cemetery.

The name of the cemetery is:  Pine Grove Cemetery

3. Locate the grave marker.

Here is a link to a cemetery search feature at Find A Grave:

First, search for the cemetery: 
Pine Grove Cemetery

Then, search for everyone in this cemetery whose first name is Hermione.

Now look for a listing that matches the hint that was in the cache description:  "Opposites Attract".

You will find the name:   Hermione Silverthorn

Open Hermione Silverthorn's listing and you will see additional listing for her parents and siblings.  Open all of the additional family listings.  The listings include photos of their grave markers, all of which are "headstones that face the sky".  

Also, GPS coordinates are occasionally listed, to assist with grave stone location.  Check the listings to see if coordinates are given for any of the markers.  You will need to convert the coordinates to the proper format.  Here is a link to the FizzyCalc converter (free download):
FizzyCalc Geo Converter

Here are links to all of the Pine Grove Cemetery Silverthorn listings:

Immediate Family

Willis (father) - this listing has GPS coordinates for the family monument
Ida Mae (mother)
Margaret (half-sister)
James (brother)
George (brother)

Extended Family

Margaret V. (Willis' 1st wife)
George (Willis' brother)
Mary L. (James' wife)
Nellie G.

Now you are ready to start answering the puzzle questions.

4. Answer the puzzle questions.

A = The number of headstones behind the family stone.

Open the listing for James Silverthorn, then click on the Photos tab.  Enlarge the photo that shows all of the family markers.  You can see that there are four headstones located behind the large Silverthorn monument.  Therefore, A = 4

B = The number of headstones to the immediate left of the family stone plus three. (+3)

Using the same photo that was used to answer A, you can see that there are two headstones that would be to the left if you were in front of and facing the Silverthorn monument.  Therefore, B = 2 + 3 = 5

C = The number of headstones in front of the family stone.

Using the same photo that was used to answer A & B, you can see three similar headstones in front of the Silverthorn monument.  If you look at all sub-listings that are mentioned on all of the Silverthorn family listings, you will find that there are additional Silverthorn interments that have the same style grave marker.  Therefore, C = 3

DE = The last 2 digits of the year HERMIONE "GOLDPETAL" was born plus three. (+3)

Look at the listing for Hermione Silverthorn (1882 - 1967).  Hermione was born in 1882; therefore, DE = 82 + 3 = 85

F = Number of letters in the Family Name minus six. (-6)

Silverthorn has eleven digits; therefore F = 11 - 6 = 5

5.  Put your solved coordinates together.
N 44° 56.ABC, W 089° 36.DEF

A = 4
B = 5
C = 3
D = 8
E = 5
F = 5

6.  Solved Coordinates.
   N 44° 56.453, W 089° 36.855   

There is no GeoChecker for this puzzle.

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