GC4M59J - Archived Caches

GC4M59J - Archived Caches

By:  Mathman, SirCumference,The Better Half, & Cutie Pi

1.  Here is the Puzzle.  Notice the differently colored letters.

Giving Back to cachers by PlacingcAchess is funand kind. Everyone has ideas about the longevity of allcaches. Of course Family canbe involved in these decisions. ForExample: One Paddle Short archived caches for personal reasons, Mathman has archiveddue to maintenance reasons and because caches weren't visited as often ashe would like. Rick Blick has archiveddue to maintenance as well. Thereare manreasons. In yourlog pleasetell us of your #1 reason for archiving caches if you have or if you were to do so, or in other words, "What doyou attribute to the archiving of caches."

Now batch all of these letters, in order by color.

2. You will get the following strings of letters for each color:

One of these sets of letters can be divided to form sensible words.








3.  Here is the phrase you will get from the string of green letters.

GPacker HalOf FamRick Blick #1

4.  Search Mathman archived caches for:  GPacker HalOf FamRick Blick #1.

You will find:
GC39WYW - GB Packer Hall Of Fame: Rick Blick #1

5.  Make a note of the coordinates for this archived cache. This is your solution.

Solved Coordinates:  

     N 44° 55.230, W 089° 31.898     

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