GC26TYR - WSQ Riverside Cemetery

GC26TYR - WSQ Riverside Cemetery
By: pis4piglet

1. Here is the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates:  N 44° 19.839, W 089° 53.521

Geocache Description:

To get the final coordinates find the FOUR stones in a row for the Gray Family (a mother and 3 children). Once these stones are found please answer the following. . .

A = fourth number in the death year of mother and third child.

B = second number in all the born and death years on all four of the stones.

N44 1B.8A8, W89 5A.4BA

Additional Hints:  maintaining

2.  Locate the puzzle information.

Use Find A Grave to obtain the puzzle information.  Here are the links:
Valeria Edwards Gray - mother (1902 - 1933)
Infant Gray - son (1931 - 1931)
Infant Gray - daughter (1933 - 1933)
Charles C Gray - infant son (1932 - 1932)

A = fourth number in the death year of mother and third child.

A = 3

B = second number in all the born and death years on all four of the stones.

B = 9

3.  Put together the Solved Coordinates.

Puzzle Coordinates:  N44 1B.8A8, W89 5A.4BA

Solved Coordinates:
   N44 19.838, W89 53.493   

4.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Since there isn't a geochecker, use Google Maps to determine whether the solved coordinates seem reasonable.

Google Maps - solved coordinates

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