GC16DHD - WSQ A Hundred and Forty-four Good Men

GC16DHD - WSQ A Hundred and Forty-four Good Men
By:  Mathman, SirCumference,The Better Half, & Cutie Pi

1. Here is the Puzzle.

The posted coordinates (N 44° 56.520 W 089° 37.136) will take you to the entrance of the cemetery.  From there you will begin to search for the appropriate headstone, to obtain the necessary information for the final cache location. (Use the front of the headstone only.)

The Final is located at:

N 44° 56.ABC, W 089° 3D.EFG

A = The number of parents listed.
BC = The last two digits of the year in which the youngest person listed was born.
D = The number of letters in the listed name (Not including last name) of the person who lived the longest.
E = The second digit in the year that the oldest person who lived was born (hint: the hundreds digit).
F = The last digit of the year the oldest person died.
G = The number of people who lived to be less than 65 years old times 3 (X3).

2. Identify the surname on the headstone.

Look at the Cache Title:  "...
A Hundred and Forty-four Good Men"

The number 144 is also know as a:  Gross.  If you put that together with the other words in the title, you will get:  Gross Good Men.  Since that doesn't make any sense and you want to use the word Gross, the possibility that makes the most sense is:  Gross Men (Grossmen).

3. Look for the headstone inforation online.

Use "Find A Grave" to search for the surname Grossmen.  Here is a link to Find A Grave.

Now search for Grossmen in Marathon County, WI.  You will not find any listings for Grossmen, so shorten the search string to 'Gross', and click on the box that allows you to do a partial name search on the surname.  There will be many listings.  

Scan the list, and see if there are any that look like a good fit for Grossmen.  You will find ten listings for Grossman, all of which are at St. Joseph Cemetery.  If you look at the map for St. Joseph cemetery, you will see that it is just south of the posted coordinates, which are at Pine Grove Cemetery (on Google Maps, Pine Grove and St. Joseph look like the same cemetery).

Now open all ten listings.  Notice that they are all on the same marker, so this is the correct headstone.  Remember:  you will only use info from the front of the headstone, so close any listing that are on the back of the marker.  Since A asks about the number of parents listed on the stone, you know that the listing for "Mother" will be on the front of the stone.  

Open the listing for Mother, then click on the photos tab.  Click on and enlarge the photo that shows the entire front of the headstone.  You will see the following names:

Father (no listing)

4. Solve the puzzle.

A = The number of parents listed.

Click on the listing for Mother.  You will see a photo that shows Mother and Father.

Therefore, A = 2.

BC = The last two digits of the year in which the youngest person listed was born.

Helen (1888 - 1909) was the youngest; therefore, BC = 88.

D = The number of letters in the listed name (Not including last name) of the person who lived the longest.

Mother (1851 - 1932) lived the longest; therefore, D = 6.

E = The second digit in the year that the oldest person who lived was born (hint: the hundreds digit).

Mother (1851 - 1932) lived the longest; therefore, E = 8.

F = The last digit of the year the oldest person died.

Mother (1851 - 1932) lived the longest; therefore, F = 2.

G = The number of people who lived to be less than 65 years old times 3 (# X 3).

Frances (1880 - 1911), 31 yrs.

Helen (1888 - 1909), 21 yrs.

Father (1843 - 1906), 63 yrs.

Three people lived to be less than 65 years old; therefore, G = 3 X 3 = 9

5. Put your solved coordinates together.

N 44° 56.ABC, W 089° 3D.EFG

A = 2
B = 8
C = 8
D = 6
E = 8
F = 2
G = 9

6. Solved Coordinates.
   N 44° 56.288, W 089° 36.829   

There is no GeoChecker for this puzzle.

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