GC58HFT - Elementary, My Dear

GC58HFT - Elementary, My Dear

By:  Team Monkeyboy

1. Here is the puzzle.
Posted Coordinates: N 40° 03.572 W 082° 25.182

Geocache Description:

The cache is not hidden at the posted coordinates. Solve the puzzle below to find the actual location of the container. Geocache contains only a log - please bring your own writing utensil.

  • Each box will contain either a "1" or a "0".

  • Two identical digits appearing next to each other in a row or column constitute a pair. While multiple pairs are permitted in any row or column, no groupings larger than a pair are allowed.
  • Each row and each column (when solved) will contain an equal number of ones and zeros.
  • Every row will contain a unique pattern of ones and zeros (but is allowed be the same pattern as one of the columns).
  • Every column will contain a unique pattern of ones and zeros (but is allowed be the same pattern as one of the rows).
  • Use the colored boxes to create a binary number for each row, then convert to decimal numbers to find the final coordinates.

Additional Hints:

A & B remain the same.

2.  Solve the puzzle grid.

Original Puzzle

Solve the puzzle with double ones and zeroes until you hit a dead end.

Now use the rule that states there must be equal numbers of ones and zeroes in each row and column.

Utilizing the sets of rules you have already used, finish the puzzle grid.

3.  Solve the Binary Code.

A = 0011
B = 01
C = 00
D = 00

E = 0110
F = 0110
G = 1001
H = 0101

Convert the numbers from Binary to Decimal.  Here is a converter tool.
Binary Converter
A = 0011 = 3
B = 01 = 1
C = 00 = 0
D = 00 = 0

E = 0110 = 6
F = 0110 = 6
G = 1001 = 9
H = 0101 = 5

4.  Put the Solved Coordinates together.

Posted Coordinates
N 40° 03.572, W 082° 25.182

Puzzle Coordinates

N 40° 0A.BCD, W 082° 2E.FGH

Solved Puzzle Coordinates
N 40° 03.100, W 082° 26.695  
Note:  Even though the solution is correct, it won't work.  Read the additional hints.

Additional Hints:  A & B remain the same.

Look at the Posted Coordinates:  A = 3, B = 5.  Change the necessary number(s).

Final Solved Coordinates

N 40° 03.500, W 082° 26.695

5.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Use GeoCheck to verify the solved coordinates.

1 comment:

  1. This is a fun puzzle -- not to easy, not too hard. I like the multiple layer - solving the puzzle to get binary that has to be converted to decimal. That was clever and interesting.

    I wish Team Monkey Boy lived in Central WI. His puzzles are fun!
