GC1HNTV - Gramma C's Pay Back Cache

GC1HNTV - Gramma C's Pay Back Cache
By:  Hayward Cheezehead 

Posted Coordinates: N 46 19.102 W 091 22.676

1.  Here is the Puzzle.

Geocache Description:

******The Cache is not at the given coordinates.*******

The cache is located at the following coordinates.
W 091*HH.BSE

Just left of the gate A small pill cammoed pill bottle. Hanging from behind a branch

Additional Hints

Clues???? Who needs clues? Unless you are going paperless, then ya have it.

2.  Identify the Code used in the puzzle


Most of Hayward Cheezehead's Puzzles utilize a KEY of some kind.  In this case the only thing on the page that could represent a KEY is the words SHUNENBERG SPRINGS.  

However,...the clue indicates there's more to the page than meets the eye.  Paperless means you can only see what you 'see', but if you PRINT, then there's more.  Of course, simply highlighting the page will show you the hidden text.

Just left of the gate A small pill cammoed pill bottle. Hanging from behind a branch

Interesting, b
ut not a KEY, so you're back to SHUNENBERG SPRINGS

Possible Keys

Here are several of the possible options available as the KEY to this puzzle.

S  H U N  E  N B E  R G   S P  R  I  N G  S
1  2  3  4  5  4  6  5  7  8   1  9  7  0  4  8  1  (Use each letter as they first appear, start at 1)
0  1  2  3  4  3  5  4  6  7   0  8  6  9  3  7  0  (Use each letter as they first appear, start at 0)
0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9                               (Use only the first word, 0 through 9)
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0                               (Use only the first word, 1 through 0)

B  E G  H  I  N  P R S  U
0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9         (Use the ten available letters in alpha order, start with 0)
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  0         (Use the ten available letters in alpha order, start with 1)
0  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1         (Use the available letters in reverse-alpha order, start with 0)
9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0         (Use the available letters in reverse-alpha order, start with 1)

3.  Solve the Puzzle.

Since you're looking for N 46*SR.SNS W 091*HH.BSE, 
and the Posted Coordinates are N 46 19.102 W 091 22.676, 
it's fairly easy to eliminate several possibilities, especially considering the 'HH' in the West coordinate, because anything other than '22' would be beyond the 2-mile limit.

'SR' in the North coordinate could be 17, as in the first option, or 19 as in the fourth option, but cannot be 98, so that eliminated the sixth option.

As it turns out, the fourth option turned out to be correct.

S = 1
H = 2
U = 3
N = 4
E = 5
N = 6
B = 7
E = 8
R = 9
G = 0

N 46*SR.SNS W 091*HH.BSE

Use the letters in the Key to complete the coordinates.  You will have to decide which 'N' and which 'E' to use, but there aren't that many options.  We took the most obvious path, and it worked out just fine.

4.  Put the Solved Coordinates together.

Solved Coordinates:
N 46 19.141, W 091 22.715

5.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Use GeoCheck to verify the solved coordinates.
GeoCheck - Gramma C's Pay Back Cache

Happy Caching!!

1 comment:

  1. I like an easy puzzle, now and then. Just try assigning numbers to the named springs!
