GC1D76F - The 3 Ni Phites Visit Camelot

GC1D76F - The 3 Ni Phites Visit Camelot
By Lander & Lancelot

1. Here is the puzzle.

Posted coordinates: N 44° 44.190, W 088° 20.550

Three strangers from afar have come to Camelot seeking grain. They come baring strange currency to make their purchases. The royal treasurer has been called to make heads or tails out of the money. Seems he needs our help to come up with the fair trade value.

When the strange currencies are deduced, the monies are to be placed into the royal "cache" box located at:

N 44° AB.CDE, W 088° GH.IJK

The letters in the coordinate match the first letter of the name of the purchaser. The number of measures of grain that can be purchased with each purchasers sum of money will give you that coordinate number.

Here is the list of the purchasers, and the amounts they had to purchase grain:

Benjamin - 1 ezrom of silver.

Daniel - 1 antion of gold, 2 shiblums of silver, and 3 amnors of silver.

Gideon - 1 senine of gold, and 1 senum of silver.

Ishmael - 1 onti of silver, and 1 senine of gold.

Jarom - 1 antion of gold, and 2 shiblums of silver.

Ammon - 1 shum of gold.

Enos - 1 limnah of gold, and 8 leahs of silver.

Kume - 1 shum of gold, and 2 shiblons of silver.

Corriantumr - 2 seons of gold, and 4 shiblons of silver.

Helaman - 2 leahs of silver, 1 shiblum of silver, and 1 shiblon of silver.

Additional Hints:

1. Alma 11, Google it. Only use verses 5 - 19.

2. Check out the pile.

2. List the Nephite currency system and its value.

Here is a link to Alma 11, Verses 5 - 19.
Nephite Currency

These are the names of the different pieces of their gold and silver, according to their value.


5. A senine of gold, a seon of gold, a shum of gold, and a limnah of gold.

6. A senum of silver, an amnor of silver, an ezrom of silver, and an onti of silver.

7. A senum of silver was equal to a senine of gold, and either bought a measure of barley or a measure of every kind of grain.

8. A seon of gold was twice the value of a senine.

9. A shum of gold was twice the value of a seon.

10. A limnah of gold was the value of them all added together.


11. An amnor of silver was as great as two senums.

12. An ezrom of silver was as great as four senums.

13. An onti was as great as them all added together.

Lesser currency

14. This is the value of the lesser numbers of their reckoning—

15. A shiblon is half of a senum; therefore, a shiblon for half a measure of barley.

16. A shiblum is a half of a shiblon.

17. A leah is the half of a shiblum.

18. This is their number, according to their reckoning.

19. An antion of gold is equal to three shiblons.

3. Determine measures of grain each purchaser can buy.

Benjamin:  1 ezrom of silver. = 4

Daniel: 1 antion of gold, 2 shiblums of silver, and 3 amnors of silver. = 8

Gideon: 1 senine of gold and 1 senum of silver. = 2

Ishmael: 1 onti of silver and 1 senine of gold. = 8

Jarom: 1 antion of gold and 2 shiblums of silver. = 2

Ammon: 1 shum of gold. = 4

Enos: 1 limnah of gold and 8 leahs of silver. = 8

Kume: 1 shum of gold and 2 shiblons of silver. = 5

Corriantumr: 2 seons of gold and 4 shiblons of silver. = 6

Helaman: 2 leahs of silver, 1 shiblum of silver, and 1 shiblon of silver. = 1

B = 4
D = 8
G = 2
I = 8
J = 2
A = 4
E = 8
K = 5
C = 6
H = 1

N 44° AB.CDE, W 088° GH.IJK

Solved Coordinates:
   N 44° 44.688, W 088° 21.825   

4. Verify the solved coordinates with GeoChecker.
GeoChecker - The 3 Ni Phites Visit Camelot

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