GC209PT - Are you smarter than a 5th grader?

GC209PT - Are you smarter than a 5th grader?
By: robgreene and family

1.  Here is the puzzle:

The cache is at:  N 44 5A.BCD, W 089 EF.GHI

ABCDE = 53007 - hELLO 
FGHI = 1239 + GILL

2.  Decrypt the words in the puzzle strings.

Write out the words 
hELLO and GILL exactly as they are written, with a lower-case h and all other letters upper-case.

Turn what you have written upside down.  It will look like this.

Now translate these symbols into numbers as follows:


3.  Rewrite the puzzle formula.

Using the decrypted numbers, rewrite and solve the puzzle formula.

ABCDE = 53007 - 07734 = 45273
FGHI = 1239 + 7719 = 8958

4.  Insert the decrypted numbers into the puzzle.

N 44 5A.BCD, W 089 EF.GHI

These are the solved coordinates:
   N 44 54.527, W 089 38.958   

5.  Verify the solved coordinates using GeoChecker.
GeoChecker - Are you smarter than a 5th grader?

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