GC1X9XH - Remembering Maine

GC1X9XH - Remembering Maine

By: conejo rojo

1. Here is the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates: N 44° 25.954 W 089° 31.723

This is just another little headstone puzzle in another little country cemetery. The coordinates above will take you to the entrance gate. You will find all the answers in the FIRST ROW of markers (closest to the road), both left and right of the entrance.

The final cache is located at: N 44°25.ABC W 089°31.DEF

A = 2nd digit of the year Mother Jones died
B = The month Burdett G. died
C = How many months did Sarah P. live?
D = The month Arlyn was born
E = The 3rd digit in the compass couple's birth years MINUS ONE.
F = Crosses, hearts, dove: how many letters in their last name?


Additional Hints (No hints available.)

2. Solve the puzzle.

Use Find A Grave to locate the necessary information.
Mother Jones - Sarah Jones (1832 - 1911)
Burdett G - Burdett Grover (1857 - Apr. 4, 1886)
Sarah P - Sarah P. Downing (lived 8 mos., 11 days)
Arlyn - Arlyn G. West (7/13/1914 - 4/15/1999)
Compass Couple - Clifton H. (1918 - 1995) and Janet F. (1919 - 1985) West
Crosses, Hearts, Dove - Neil A. and Rose M. Boldman

A = 2nd digit of the year Mother Jones died
A = 9

B = The month Burdett G. died
B = 4

C = How many months did Sarah P. live?

C = 8

D = The month Arlyn was born

D = 7

E = The 3rd digit in the compass couple's birth years MINUS ONE.

E = 0

F = Crosses, hearts, dove: how many letters in their last name?

F = 7

Puzzle Coordinates:
N 44°25.ABC W 089°31.DEF
Solved Coordinates:
   N 44° 25.948, W 089° 31.707   

3.  Verify the solved coordinates.

Since the isn't a GeoChecker, use Google Maps to determine whether the solved coordinates look reasonable.  Remember, the cache is located in the cemetery.
Google Maps - Remembering Maine

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