GC1HPHE - WSQ 000 SCC Shawano County Unmarked

GC1HPHE - WSQ 000 SCC Shawano County Unmarked
By: gotta run adopted by Lander & Lancelot

1. Here is the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates:  N 44° 47.000 W 088° 35.300

Geocache Description:

Solve the letterbox clues below to find the coordinates you need.  This letterbox puzzle is not as hard to solve as the length of the description might lead to you to believe. It just takes a little research and some plat maps.

Years ago when traveling a few miles meant spending a day away from home, burials were often performed on farms and homes. Over time, some of those burial sites expanded and became public or church cemeteries. However, some burial sites were simply forgotten over time.  There are 19 burial sites that are in backyards and woods. The records of these sites are sketchy. Some can still be located, but others are virtually lost to time.


Here is the list of cemeteries.  Use the Additional Waypoints listed for the needed coordinates.

The cache is located at:

N 44 AB.CDE, W 088 FG.HIJ

Using the coordinates, locate the township SECTION number for the burial sites shown below, then subtract the number as shown.

In order to find the section numbers, you'll have to find a way to map the coordinates to a township/sectional map. You might be able to find a detailed topo map on your GPSr, you might find county township/sectional maps online through one of the many mapping websites, or you can match up the locations against hard copy township maps.

A = Mailahn Cemetery - 27
B = Ehlert - 16
C = Thomas Jefferson Lessor - 13
D = Unnamed/Unmarked in Navarino - 29
E = Hahn - 11
F = Lathrop - 33
G = Frank - 25
H = Sawyer Family - 10
I = Adams Family - 12
J = Kunzak - 16

You can check your answers for this lettterbox HERE.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)

2.  Solve the puzzle.

Here is a website that will help you solve this puzzle.  Use it with Google Maps.
Shawano County GIS

Frank Family - Birnamwood, Section 30

N 44° 52.269 W 089° 12.283
G = Frank - 25 = 30 - 25 = 5
G = 5

Adams Family Unmarked Graves - Aniwa, Section 12
N 45° 00.468 W 089° 06.677
I = Adams Family - 12 = 12 - 12 = 0
I = 0

Kunzak Family burial - Almon, Section 25
N 44° 52.523 W 088° 59.525
J = Kunzak - 16 = 25 - 16 = 9
J = 9

Ehlert Burials - Wittenberg, Section 23
N 44° 48.231 W 089° 00.688
B = Ehlert - 16 = 23 - 16 = 7
B = 7

Sawyer Family - Bartleme or Red Springs, Section 13

N 44° 54.478 W 088° 51.731
H = Sawyer Family - 10 = 13 - 10 = 3
H = 3

Hahn Family Burial - Herman, Section 15

N 44° 49.481 W 088° 47.122
E = Hahn - 11 = 15 - 11 = 4
E = 4

Mailahn Cemetery - Richmond, Section 31
N 44° 46.732 W 088° 42.816
A = Mailahn Cemetery - 27 = 31 - 27 = 4
A = 4

Unnamed - Unmarked - Navarino, Section 36
N 44° 35.850 W 088° 29.392
D = Unnamed/Unmarked in Navarino - 29 = 36 - 29 = 7
D = 7

Unmarked Grave of Thomas Jefferson Lessor - Lessor, Section 14

N 44° 38.341 W 088° 23.077
C = Thomas Jefferson Lessor - 13 = 14 - 13 = 1
C = 1

Lathrop - Hartland, Section 36
N 44° 41.010 W 088° 22.386
F = Lathrop - 33 = 36 - 33 = 3
F = 3

3.  Put the Solved Coordinates together.

Posted Coordinates:
N 44° 47.000 W 088° 35.300
The cache is located at:
N 44 AB.CDE, W 088 FG.HIJ
Solved Coordinates:
N 44 47.174, W 088 35.309

4.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Use GeoChecker to verify the solved coordinates.
GeoChecker - solved coordinates

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