GC1DFFG - Polkatown Promenade

GC1DFFG - Polkatown Promenade

By: gotta...polka???

1. Here is the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates: N 44° 39.350 W 088° 13.350

Geocache Description:

The cache is NOT at the posted coordinates. Take a tour of Polkatown to find the cache.

Take a tour of Pulaski, home of Pulaski Polka Days, and see if you can find the coordinates and locate the cache.

The cache is located at 44 AB.CDE 088 FG.HIJ

A: The Pulaski Polka Grounds are located at the address of A19 E. Pulaski Street. (SOLVE D WHILE YOU ARE HERE)

B: Aound town you may find red banners hanging that celebrate Pulaski's Polka heritage. If the banners are not up, the same image that is on the banners is also shown at the sign in front of ABVM church at the intersection of St. Augustine and Pulaski streets. How many people are pictured on ONE of those banners or on ONE of the two identical signs? Subtract 2 from that number to get B.

C: Find the frisbee golf course in town. In the parking lot for the course, you will find a road that goes over a bridge toward a fishing lake. The weight limit of that bridge is C ton(s). (SOLVE I WHILE YOU ARE HERE.)

D: The Polka Grounds are located next to Carver Yacht Plant Number D. [Update 9/2010: Plant is gone. D=9]

E: Find the Polish National Catholic Church. This church was established in 19E8.

F: Find the Tri-County Fire Department. There is/are F bell(s) located outside the department building.

G: The VFW/American Legion building was built in 19G9.

H: How many domed steeples adorn the roof of ABVM Church? This number + 1 = H.

I: The first hole of frisbee golf has a sign that shows its par and distance. Par x 2 = I.

J: Pulaski is proud to be home of the Pulaski Red Raiders. Find the Raider crest located on one of the signs outside the high school. How many rings are on this sign? Subtract 2 from this number to get J.

WINTER FRIENDLINESS: Available in winter but may get iced into place. Please do NOT attempt to extract if frozen. "Touch and go" logs are allowed in winter!

Additional Hints (No hints available.)

2.  Solve the puzzle.

The cache is located at 44 AB.CDE 088 FG.HIJ

North Coordinate

A: The Pulaski Polka Grounds are located at the address of A19 E. Pulaski Street.

A = 4

B: Aound town you may find red banners hanging that celebrate Pulaski's Polka heritage. If the banners are not up, the same image that is on the banners is also shown at the sign in front of ABVM church at the intersection of St. Augustine and Pulaski streets. How many people are pictured on ONE of those banners or on ONE of the two identical signs? Subtract 2 from that number to get B.  B = # people - 2 = 0?  Considering that the Posted values for AB are 39 and that the solved value for A is 4, zero is a reasonable solution for B.

B = 0

The banners that were used in 2008, when this cache published, aren't hung any longer (see Facebook page parade photos); and the signs at the church have been changed (see Google Maps).

Polka Days - Facebook page
Google Maps - ABVM Church sign 

More recent sign at
ABVM church

After scouring old photos on the Polka Days Facebook page, I found the following pictures that might give clues as to what could have been on the banners and signs in 2008.  The earliest pictures on Facebook are from 2009.

Pulaski Polka Days - Facebook photo

C: Find the frisbee golf course in town. In the parking lot for the course, you will find a road that goes over a bridge toward a fishing lake. The weight limit of that bridge is C ton(s).

C = 4

I had to solve this one by using Phone-A-Friend.  It's always helpful when your husband's family is from the town in question.  LOL  The weight limit is 4 tons.

Disc Golf Map - Pulaski
The bridge is located by the 18th hole.

D: The Polka Grounds are located next to Carver Yacht Plant Number D. [Update 9/2010: Plant is gone.]


E: Find the Polish National Catholic Church. This church was established in 19E8 (1958).

E = 5

West Coordinate

F: Find the Tri-County Fire Department. There is/are F bell(s) located outside the department building.

F = 1
Fire Dept - bell monument

G: The VFW/American Legion building was built in 19G9. (Founded Oct. 1946)

G = 4
Google Maps - Veterans Post 337

H: How many domed steeples adorn the roof of ABVM Church? This number + 1 = H.

H = 3 domed steeples + 1 = 4
H = 4

I: The first hole of frisbee golf has a sign that shows its par and distance. Par x 2 = I.

I = Par x 2 = Par 3 x 2 = 6
I = 6

J: Pulaski is proud to be home of the Pulaski Red Raiders. Find the Raider crest located on one of the signs outside the high school. How many rings are on this sign? Subtract 2 from this number to get J.

J = # of rings - 2 = 5 - 2 = 3
J = 3

3.  Put together the Solved Coordinates.

Solved Coordinates:

N 44° 40.495, W 088° 14.463

4.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Since there isn't a geochecker, verify the solved coordinates with Google Maps.
Google Maps - solved coordinates
These coordinates match a description that I got from a previous Finder, so I think we've got it.  Great job everybody!!  Another puzzle solved.  WooHoo!!


  1. I tried all sources regarding Pulaski, Wi. and Polka days in Pulaski. This looks like another cache site that one needs to visit to obtain the answers.

  2. F:=1 From a picture of the Tri-County Fire Department building one can see 1 bell hanging from the outside sign!
    E=The Polish National Catholic Church elected it's first bishop in 1958. Maybe this was the first time the church was recognize in the states, therefore E could be 5.
    H. Looking at the picture of the church one can see 3 dome steeples. Therefore h should be 4.

  3. Frisby golf. Hole 1 par 3 distance 279'. So I=3x2=6. I=6

  4. G: The Pulaski Verterans Post was founded Oct. 1946. Using Google Maps, the architecture looks like it is from the 1940's, 1950's, or 1960's.

    G = 4, 5, 6 ?

  5. I found a picture of the Red Raiders Crest on Google Maps, which clearly shows the 5 rings. Therefore, we have a definite solve for J.

    Brock's mom grew up in Pulaski, so we will ask her if she remembers what decade the Veteran's Post was built.

    I have sent requests for confirmation of our coordinates to the CO, but they are pretty much out of the game, so I doubt that I'll hear from them. I've also asked some of the past Finders to confirm our solved coordinates. I'll let you know if I hear back from anybody.

  6. I got a message back from one of the Finders, and they said "The North coordinate is wrong."

    I'm assuming that means the West coordinate is correct, so I'm going back to Google Maps to look for reasonable adjustments to the North coordinate.

    Stay tuned...

  7. HaHa! We uncovered the error (bridge weight limit), made the solve, and confirmed the final coordinates with a previous Finder. We're Golden Baby!

    Thanks for the help everyone. Great Teamwork!

  8. I'm glad I waited for the solve. Assuming our numbers for right thus far and the weight limit of the bridge was 5 tons, I came up with the cache behind the left-center field fence.

  9. The weight limit on the bridge turned out to be 4 tons. There was no documentation online that I could find to document 4 tons, so I had to resort to Google Maps. When I was told that 5 wasn't the correct number, I used Google Maps to check the numbers 0-4 looking for potential solutions. The former Finder told me that our North coordinate was too far north, and the bridge weight limit was the only number I couldn't prove. Since we needed to go farther south, the only numbers that would work were 0-4. The only number that made sense was 4. The other numbers were either in private yards or on top of roofs. I have confirmed with the previous Finder that our revised solution is correct. We're ready to do the Polka Promenade!! LOL

    You are correct! The cache IS located near a large tree behind the baseball field, possibly on the fence. The previous Finder confirmed that location and specifically mentioned that it is close to the big tree.

    Shall we have a Puzzle Network FTF race? LOL
