By: Lander & Lancelot

1. Here is the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates: N 44° 50.422 W 088° 51.848

This cemetery is special to Lander and Lancelot and is most likely where they will one day rest together.

To find the final, you need to solve for N44 ° 50.4AB and W088 ° 51.8CD.

You will notice on many of the stones that there is an ordinance mentioned as well as the marriage date that you do not find in most other cemeteries. To find AB, you need to find the name of this ordinance and count the letters in it. Now find the type of building this event is performed in (there are five pictures on the stones) and count those letters. Add the numbers together ( ordinance + building), multiply by 3, then subtract 2. This is your final AB answer.

To find CD, find the date on the cemetery sign that it was established. Example 19xx. Take xx, divide by 2, then add 4. This will give you CD.

Bonus log for identifying the name of the character depicted on the Roosevelt Cemetery sign. You first must find the final container location and sign the log book before you can make this claim. E-mail us with your answer, do not post the answer in your log.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)

2.  Solve the puzzle.

Use Find A Grave to obtain the necessary cemetery information.
Roosevelt Cemetery - Shawano County, WI
Click on the picture of the sign to enlarge it, then read the date.
Entrance Sign

CD = Date Cemetery Established (1954)

CD = (54 / 2) + 4 = 31
CD = 31

To find AB, you need to find the name of this ordinance and count the letters in it. Now find the type of building this event is performed in (there are five pictures on the stones) and count those letters. Add the numbers together ( ordinance + building), multiply by 3, then subtract 2. This is your final AB answer.

To find the ordinance and building information, open several listing and look for markers with wedding info and buildings.

The Mormon ordinance that is being referred to is:  Marriage
Mormon Ordinances

The Building it is performed in is the: Temple

AB = ((Marriage (8 letters) + Temple (6 letters)) x 3) - 2
AB = (14 x 3) - 2 = 42 - 2 = 40
AB = 40

3.  Put together the Solve Coordinates.

Puzzle Coordinates:  N 44 ° 50.4AB, W 088 ° 51.8CD

Solved Coordinates
   N 44 ° 50.440, W 088 ° 51.831   

4.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Use Google Maps to determine whether the solved coordinates look reasonable.
Google Maps - solved coordinates
The solved coordinates are in the treeline at the back of the cemetery, which looks reasonable.

5.  Bonus Question.

This is the Mormon Angel 'Moroni'.

The Angel


  1. The CD answer is simple once one looks at the "Find A Grave" internet site. To find the AB coordinates is a little more difficult, but I believe one can guess the name of the ordinance from the cache description. I came up with coordinates that placed me at the tree line on the south each corner of the cemetery.

  2. Thanks Pharmdog, for solving this puzzle and sharing the methods you used to get this one wrapped up.
