GCZ4XG - 3 Red Herrings

GCZ4XG - 3 Red Herrings
By: Lj & Co

1. Here is the Puzzle.

Below are five puzzles, only two have solutions that will give you the correct coordinates for the cache.

One solution consist of a five digit number ABCDE.

North 44 AB.CDE
The other contains a two digit number AA and a three digit BBB.  [or in Rick’s case (NPO)]
West = 089 AA.BBB
As the cache name implies, the remaining 3 are nothing but red herrings.

Puzzle 1

Plane geometry

You are the pilot of a small commuter service. At 0600 you take off with ½ the capacity of your plane.

At your first stop 3 people get off and twice as many get on.

At the next stop, all of the original passengers get off and six get on, bringing you to full capacity.

At 1200 you stop at your third stop for lunch and have a fish dinner.

By 1300 you and 2 passengers board the empty plane, 2 more people board and you start on your first leg home, you have a little engine trouble and are forced to land at the same airport you just left.

One passenger deplanes, deciding to take the bus instead, the remaining passengers continue on with you till you reach your final destination.

Number of passengers on the final leg of your flight?

Color and type of fish you had for dinner?

Puzzle 2
“Word” Problem

Determine the surface “area” of a frustum of a cone with a cylinder removed.

Where the height of the cone was equal to the "perimeter" of a regular polygon A, inscribed in a circle of equal circumference of the base of the cone and the sum of internal angles is 1620.

The height of the frustum only equals the "perimeter" of a regular polygon inscribed in the same circle containing 3 less sides than polygon A.

The sum of 5/7 of polygon B’s arc cords equals ¾ the circumference of the "cylinder".

The ratio of the hollow circle section at the bottom of the frustum to the top of the frustum is equivalent to the number of side of polygon [A] minus a "perfect" number.

The density of the Frustum is 4887 lbs per cubic yard.

Puzzle 3
Non Technical





Puzzle 4

Letter perfect

3(E+2), 5+C, 2(E+F), A+4, F-1

3(D+1)+2E, E, A+3

2(D+2)+1, C+2, 3E+1, 4E-4, F+3, 3(C+2)-1

Puzzle 5

It’s not Greek ~ ??µa???


Additional Hints:

Life's a birch, and then you cache in your five chips to find an AMMO CAN.

2. Identify the Red Herring Puzzles.

Puzzle 1 - Solution
Plane geometry

You are the pilot of a small commuter service. At 0600 you take off with ½ the capacity of your plane.

At your first stop 3 people get off and twice as many get on.

At the next stop, all of the original passengers get off and six get on, bringing you to full capacity.

At 1200 you stop at your third stop for lunch and have a fish dinner.

By 1300 you and 2 passengers board the empty plane, 2 more people board and you start on your first leg home, you have a little engine trouble and are forced to land at the same airport you just left.

One passenger deplanes, deciding to take the bus instead, the remaining passengers continue on with you till you reach your final destination.

Number of passengers on the final leg of your flight? = 3

Color and type of fish you had for dinner? = Red Herring

Puzzle 2 - Solution
“Word” Problem

Determine the surface “area” of a frustum of a cone with a cylinder removed.
Where the height of the cone was equal to the "perimeter" of a regular polygon A, inscribed in a circle of equal circumference of the base of the cone and the sum of internal angles is 1620.

The height of the frustum only equals the "perimeter" of a regular polygon inscribed in the same circle containing 3 less sides than polygon A.

The sum of 5/7 of polygon B’s arc cords equals ¾ the circumference of the "cylinder".

The ratio of the hollow circle section at the bottom of the frustum to the top of the frustum is equivalent to the number of side of polygon [A] minus a "perfect" number.

The density of the Frustum is 4887 lbs per cubic yard.

Count the number of letters in each "Word" that is in quotes:

Area = 4
Perimeter = 9
Perimeter = 9
Cylinder = 8
Perfect = 7

Since the Posted Coordinates are N 44° 50.673 W 089° 30.322, this set of solved numbers only makes sense as the North Coordinate; therefore, the North Coordinate is N 44° 49.987.

Puzzle 3 - Solution
Non Technical


Convert this binary code to ASCII text. Here is a Binary to Text conversion tool.
Binary Conversion - Binary to Text (ASCII) Conversion

The binary code converts to the following text:

"One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish you guessed it three red herrings"

Puzzle 4 - Solution
Letter perfect

3(E+2), 5+C, 2(E+F), A+4, F-1
3(D+1)+2E, E, A+3
2(D+2)+1, C+2, 3E+1, 4E-4, F+3, 3(C+2)-1

Who cares...Nothing is Perfect.  I figured out Puzzle 5, so I don't need this one!  I'm officially calling this puzzle a Red Herring!  LOL   ;-p

Puzzle 5 - Solution
It’s not Greek ~ ??µa???


Hint: If it's not Greek, and it's not Arabic, it's ________ numerals.

Keeping the lines separate, remove all letters, leaving only Roman Numerals.

XXXI = 31

AA = 31


BBB = 381

These are the numbers you need for your West Coordinate.

3. Put together your Solved Coordinates.
N 44° AB.CDE
W 089° AA.BBB 

Solved Coordinates:

   N 44° 49.987, W 089° 31.381    

4.  Verify the Solved Coordinates with GeoChecker.

GeoChecker - 3 Red Herrings


  1. The last one is really bugging me. I can't make heads or tails out of it. After the name, there is a string of characters '~ ??µa???' which is not on any of the other puzzles. Could mean something. The tilde (~) usually means 'approximate', the question marks - I have no idea. the greek letter is a mu - see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mu_(letter), which can stand for almost anything mathematically. So then we get XEROX PYXIES CAN CAUSE CLONES OF XEROX PYXIES. I've googled that string. It occurs on exactly two pages on the planet, this one and the original puzzle. So it's what - a cryptogram? A cypher?

  2. OK - I re-read this from the top. We're looking for a five-digit number (ABCDE) and a problem with two answers, a 2-digit and a 3-digit number. (AA and BBB.) So that makes puzzle 2, 3, 4, an 5 still possible.

  3. If one does a Binary to text conversion for the display binary code one gets 3 numbers mentioned in the text

    1. Three numbers... Sure. But are they the right numbers??
      Thanks for the hint. I used http://www.roubaixinteractive.com/PlayGround/Binary_Conversion/Binary_To_Text.asp to convert the binary to ascii, but wa a little disappointed in the result. Try it for yourself. Can we scratch this one off?

  4. Ok, so the binary converts to the following text:

    "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish you guessed it three red herrings"

    Excellent! I will add this to the blog.

  5. So the Plane Puzzle is easy enough - Red Herring. 'Color and type of fish you had for dinner?'

  6. Here is a Hint: You're looking for west 089 31.???

  7. "Word" Perfect - count the number of letters in the words that have "quotes", and you will get.
    N 44 "49.986"

    1. Still completely lost on how you assumed your North coordinates.

    2. "Word" Perfect - Make that N 44 "49.987"

      "Area" = 4
      "Perimeter" = 9
      "Perimeter" = 9
      "Cylinder" = 8
      "Perfect" = 7

    3. Since the Posted Coordinates are N 44° 50.673 W 089° 30.322, this set of solved numbers only makes sense as the North Coordinate. Therefore, the North Coordinate is N 44° 49.987

    4. Besides that, the puzzle states that the North Coordinate will be solved using a five-digit number. North 44 AB.CDE. So if the 'solve' for the puzzle was a five-digit number, then it had to apply to the North Coordinate. 49.987 made sense, if you look at Google Maps.

  8. There are two puzzles left to decode:

    1. Letter prefect

    3(E+2), 5+C, 2(E+F), A+4, F-1
    3(D+1)+2E, E, A+3
    2(D+2)+1, C+2, 3E+1, 4E-4, F+3, 3(C+2)-1

    2. It’s not Greek ~ ??µa???


    One of these is a red herring, and the other one will solve the west coordinate. We got a hint that AA = 31, so we are looking for BBB. For the west coordinate we have: W 089° 31.BBB

    Furthermore, based upon the puzzle description, I think AA might have calculated as a two digit number (not separate digits of 3 and 1), and BBB might calculate as a three digit number.

    Does anyone have any ideas on these last two puzzles?

  9. I try substituting numbers in the "Letter Prefect puzzle", but that didn't accomplish anything. I also looked up "clones of Xerox, and came up to a site "Xerox Multifunction Device Cloning Feature" but it was above my pay grade!

    1. Sometimes a Cryptogram is harder to solve if it has been hidden with real words. I put the Xerox Pixies thing through a simple Caesar Cypher and came up with DKXUD VEDOKY IGT IGAYK IRUTKY UL DKXUD VEDOKY. Now - can anyone make sense of that?

      On the other hand (same puzzle) the µa symbol is for microamperes. There's a wikipedia page talking about electric current (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_current) which also mentions ampere's law, talking about an Electrical Current (I) producing a Magnetic field (B). I tried looking up the formula for the calculation of Electrical Current B, and I'm not worthy (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amp%C3%A8re%27s_circuital_law).

  10. I have to admit, I had to ask for help. Thank goodness someone took mercy on me. LOL Dang! That was one tricky puzzle! :-)
