GC187X0 - Tree Straws on the Green Circle: Sucking Numbers

Tree Straws on the Green Circle: Sucking Numbers
By:  UWSP Geocaching Club adopted by im n eagl

1.  Here is the puzzle.

This is one cache in a series of three Tree Straw caches hidden on the Green Circle Trail. These caches were initially hidden for the UWSP Geocaching Club and Stevens Point Area Convention & Visitors Bureau (SPACVB) 1st Annual CITO Event.

The coordinates listed will get you close but not to the cache. In order to find this cache you will have to use your math skills to figure out the coordinates.

A = X-X
B = Xº
C = X
D = X + Xº
E = X²
F = X² + Xº
G = X² + X
H = X³
I = X³+ Xº

No two letters (A-H) equal the same number and all letters (A-H) equal a number between 0 and 9. X is the same number for each equation.


Note: Depending on the season this could be a wet footed cache. When the cache was placed there was six to nine inches of water that had to be waded through to get to the cache. If there is a lot of water, you can avoid some of the wet footedness by accessing a downed tree bridge to the north of the cache. Be Prepared!!

Parking: N44 30.723 W089 35.147

Additional Hints:

Any number to the zero power always equals one

2.  Solve the puzzle.

Solve the puzzle by using math rules and logic.

A = X - X
B = Xº
C = X
D = X + Xº
E = X²
F = X² + Xº
G = X² + X
H = X³
I = X³ + Xº

Any number minus itself = 0

A = X - X
Therefore, A = 0

Any number to the zero power always equals one.

B = Xº
Therefore, B = 1

No two letters (A-H) equal the same number and all letters (A-H) equal a number between 0 and 9. X is the same number for each equation.

Since the numbers 0 and 1 have already been solved, two is the only remaining number that can be cubed, added to 1, and result in an answer that is 0-9.

I = X³ + Xº
I = X³ + 1
I = 2³ + 1
I = 8 + 1
Therefore, X = 2, and I = 9

X = 2, and
C = X
Therefore, C = 2

D = X + Xº
D = 2 + 1
Therefore, D = 3

E = X²
E = 2²
Therefore, E = 4

F = X² + Xº
F = 2² + 1
F = 4 + 1
Therefore, F = 5

G = X² + X
G = 2² + 2
G = 4 + 2
Therefore, G = 6

H = X³
H = 2³
H = 2 x 2 x 2
Therefore, H = 8

3.  Put the Solved Coordinates together.

A = 0
B = 1
C = 2
D = 3
E = 4
F = 5
G = 6
H = 8
 I = 9

Puzzle Coordinates:
Solved Coordinates:
N 44 30.132, W 089 35.363

4.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Since there isn't a geochecker, verify the solved coordinates with Google Maps.
Google Maps - Tree Straws on the Green Circle: Sucking Numbers
The solved coordinates are located in a public park/walking trail area where there appear to be a strip of dead trees.  This looks like a reasonable solution.


  1. This was easier than I thought it would be. Just start at E has to equal 4, A=0, H=8, I=9 and D=3. Then went from there.
