GC60R19 - It's Highly Suspiciously, Evenly Odd.

GC60R19 - It's Highly Suspiciously, Evenly Odd.
By:  Hayward Cheezehead

1.  Here is the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates:  N 46° 02.314 W 091° 33.484

Geocache Description:

*** The Cache is not at the posted coordinates! ***
This cache is located on County Hunting Land.
 Please wear appropriate clothing when needed

So, it’s been a long couple of years. Lots of sitting around giving me time to “Invent”. It’s been awhile since I have released a “toughie”. But actually, it isn’t.
But since this is a D5, there will be no clues given right away.
Keep an eye an on this one. You never know when I’ll drop a nugget.

You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude.
Additional Hints (Encrypt)
HINTS?!?!?!?! You don't need no stinking HINTS!!!! Everything is there.

2.  Solve the puzzle.


  1. For some reason date published is 08/01/2015. Not sure if this has anything to do with the puzzle.

  2. Google maps shows a boat ramp just to the NW. This could be the terrain 1

  3. Considering the terrain, I think you're right on target with this one. It's wheelchair accessible, so the cache should be relatively easy to track down. Good observation "Eagle Eye"! LOL

  4. Bonny's theory really has merit, considering the area surrounding the posted coordinates.

    Here are the general coordinates of the boat launch she is referring to: N 46 02.490, W 91 33.469

    If this is a straight substitution cipher, you could look for strings of characters that could represent:

    four six zero two four and/or nine one three three four (leave room for spelling errors)

    This has real potential. Let me know if you find anything.

  5. I see Hayward Cheezehead gave a ""rock"", but no help. Still no idea on how to solve this puzzle. I guess I will go back to solving Sandlanders puzzles around central Wisconsin unless somebody else comes up with an idea!!

    1. Yeah, we're with you on that one. Sandlanders puzzles make a lot more sense to us too. They're a lot less frustrating, which translates into more fun.

      A Rock? Uh, yeah right... If that's a clue, we're mystified by it.

      The only thing that caught our interest, was that the puzzle has no colors, odd for HCH, but the 'Rock' hint was green. Not a clue what that means though. Other than the question, "Where are the colors?"

      Any other ideas out there?

  6. I accidentally found a CO in Cheezehead country named HighlySuspicious. Hmmmmm. Here is a link to his Hidden Caches:


    Could this have something helpful?

    1. HighlySuspicious has hidden 18 odd numbered CCC Caches.

      I don't know if this amounts to anything, but it's interesting.

  7. I found those too. Actually solved al the CCC caches. But couldn't see where it helped with this puzzle.
