GC1PDVG - iF you want it, here it is, come and get it

GC1PDVG - iF you want it, here it is, come and get it
By:  Hayward Cheezehead

1.  Here is the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates: N 46° 06.907 W 091° 32.593

Geocache Description:


The cache can be found here-

N 46* F(5)  F(15)
W 091* F(9) F(14)

Sometimes, you come across something and go Hmmm..? I was watching a TV show, and it was all about this. I did some searching on my Topos and came up with a spot that might work. That was the easy part.
Getting to it is a whole different story. I tried a few different ways before I finally got to where I wanted to be. I didn’t have to look too hard to know that this spot would work. Sometimes, Mother Nature does it right. Good Luck!

Additional Hints (Encrypt)
This is what I would call a Cheeze Tree, And there is only one like it.

2.  Solve the Puzzle.

Search Google for "Fibonacci number", and select the Wikipedia link.
WikipediaFibonacci number

Scroll down the page until you see the heading "List of Fibonacci numbers".  Now use the numbers in the list to solve the puzzle.

N 46* F(5)  F(15)
W 091* F(9) F(14)

F(5) = 5

F(15) = 610

F(9) = 34
F(14) = 377

3.  Put together the Solved Coordinates.

Solved Coordinates:
   N 46° 05.610, W 091° 34.377   

4. Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Use GeoCheck to verify the solved coordinates.
GeoCheck - solved coordinates

Happy Caching!


  1. 1. I tried using the number of letters in the numbers 0-9 to identify potential coordinates. My plan was to compare the results with a topo map and look for locations that matched the log descriptions. There turned out to be thousands of combinations. Idea abandoned. Next...

    2. Google Search for "F(5) F(15)" resulted in fighter jets (Nah!) and...

    Berkeley Math, page 100


    This is not typical for Cheezehead, but...

  2. Ever hear of Fibonacci numbers?

    1. AhHa...Yes!!! You are a genius!!!

    2. OK, You're a humble genius!! LOL Congrats on the solve, and thanks!!

  3. Well I don't know about genius, but I did get a green light on the geochecker :)

  4. WooHoo! Celebrate, Celebrate, Dance to the Music!

    BigJim Scores the Solve!!! HaHa! Only 2 Cheezehead puzzles to go!

    Great Job BigJim! :-D

  5. Besides the 2 caches we're still working on I have 3 more by HCH GC1FGFJ, GC4P7KV and GC3B8XM that I don't have solved.
