GC1NX4X - Pine Hill Cemetery

GC1NX4X - Pine Hill Cemetery
By: happycampers523

1. Here is the puzzle.

Geocache Description:

The Pine Hill Cemetery is a small country cemetery located in Northern Clark County.

The initial coordinates will lead you to two grave markers for the Fahrenbach's and the Zender's located in the Pine Hill Cemetery.  We have provided clues to the final coordinates.

Final coordinates:  N44 58.BCA, W090 26.DEF

The first grave markers you arrive at are the Fahrenbach's & the Zender's. Notice the year of death of three of them (mom, daughter & son-in-law), it is the same (car accident).

A = Three died in the same year; the last number in the year of their death.

B = The 4th grave marker to the east of the Fahrenbach & the Zender markers, you will see a farm depicted on the Weideman grave marker.  Count the number of silos minus 4.

C= Number of large stone crosses on the west side of the cemetery minus 2.

D = On the Pine Hill Cemetery sign, the sum of the year the cemetery was established minus 12.

E = On the Pine Hill Cemetery sign, the number of pine cones depicted.

F = The number of people "living" permanently in the cemetery.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)

2.  Use Find A Grave to locate puzzle information.

Here is a link to Find A Grave:

Find A Grave

A = Three died in the same year; the last number in the year of their death.

Edna, Patsy, and Eugene died in 1970.  Therefore, A = 0

B = The 4th grave marker to the east of the Fahrenbach & the Zender markers, you will see a farm depicted on the Weideman grave marker.  Count the number of silos minus 4.

Google Maps - best value for B is 4

Since this is the only item that can't be solved using Find A Grave.  Solve all other items first, then use Google Maps with satellite view and enter the mostly solved coordinates.  Adjust this number until the pointer lines up on a reasonable object.  The only number that works is 4.  Therefore, B = 4

C = Number of large stone crosses on the west side of the cemetery minus 2.

Google Maps - west side of cemetery
There are 4 large stone crosses on the west side of the cemetery.  (4 - 2 = 2)  
Therefore, C = 2

D = On the Pine Hill Cemetery sign, the sum of the year the cemetery was established minus 12.

Find A Grave - cemetery sign
It looks like the cemetery was established in 1911.  (1 + 9 + 1 + 1 - 12 = 0)  
Therefore, D = 0

E = On the Pine Hill Cemetery sign, the number of pine cones depicted.

Using the image from D, there are 2 pine branches.  Therefore, E = 2

F = The number of people "living" permanently in the cemetery.  F = 0

3.  Put the Solved Coordinates together.

Puzzle Coordinates:  N44 58.BCA, W090 26.DEF

A = 0

B = 4
C = 2
D = 0
E = 2
F = 0

Solved Coordinates:

   N 44 58.420, W 090 26.020   

4.  Verify the Solved Coordinates with Google Maps.

Since there isn't a geochecker, use Google Maps to determine whether the solved coordinates look reasonable.

Google Maps - Solved Coordinates

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