GC668VK - Squishy Glass

GC668VK - Squishy Glass
By:  Smashing Ground

1.  Here is the puzzle.

Geocache Description:


The glass–liquid transition or glass transition for short is the reversible transition in amorphous materials from a hard and relatively brittle state into a molten or rubber-like state. An amorphous solid that exhibits a glass transition is called a glass. Supercooling a viscous liquid into the glass state is called vitrification, from the Latin vitreum, "glass" via French vitrifier.

You can validate your puzzle solution with certitude.

Additional Hints
Puzzle~Whats the present participle of squishy?
~Its in the cache name.
Geochecker~Solve for the key word and put it in the geochecker for final location.

2.  Search Google for the Keyword.

Identify the present participle of "Squishy" Glass, then do a search using the two-word term with Google (Yahoo will not have the correct site listed).

The correct term is:
   Squishing Glass   
Search this term with Google.  Here is a link. 

3.  Decode the Puzzle.

Searching Google (not Yahoo) will take you to the following site:
Penland - Glass Squishing
Compare some of the pictures on the site with pictures in the puzzle.  Enter a few vowels in the text box, then 'Squish' and 'Unsquish' them, so you can see how they change.  Within a short time, you should be able to make a very good guess at which letters are in the puzzle.

When you have identified all of the squished/unsquished letters, you are ready to finish solving the puzzle.  These letters are the Keyword.

4.  Find the Solved Coordinates.

Use Certitude to find the Solved Coordinates.
Certitude - Squishy Glass
Solved Coordinates:

   N 43 03.869, W 089 28.521   

1 comment:

  1. Here's what I know so far - the puzzle gets you to a WORD, not a number. The word, when entered into the certitude checker, gives you coordinates. The present participle of squishy is 'squishing". I cannot see how that information is helpful...
