GC1ZB0E - Flags of Our Fathers | Count Casimir

GC1ZB0E - Flags of Our Fathers | Count Casimir

By: seldom|seen

1. Here is the puzzle.

Geocache Description:

Posted Coordinates:   N 44° 31.395, W 089° 33.403


Coordinates will take you to a very historic but rather obscured monument for one Casimir Pulaski, a Polish patriot and an American Revolutionary War hero, who fought unsuccessfully against foreign control of his native Poland and then journeyed to America to fight in the American Revolution.

Born in Podolia, Casimir Pulaski was the eldest son of Count Joseph Pulaski. After brief service in the guard of Duke Charles of Courland, Pulaski returned home to Poland and in 176F he joined forces with the Confederation of Bar, a movement founded by his father, in a revolt against Russian domination of Poland. The confederation, however, proved to be too small to be victorious and was decisively defeated. Pulaski's estates having been confiscated, in 1772 at the time of the first partition of Poland he fled to Turkey. Here he remained for D years in a vain attempt to provoke the Turks into an attack on Russia. Finally, penniless and destitute, he left for Paris to seek other employment.

In the spring of 177C, as the American Revolution was beginning, the American commissioners to France gave Pulaski money to make the voyage to Boston. He arrived there armed with a letter of introduction to Gen. George Washington. Shortly after a meeting with Washington in August of that same year, Pulaski became a volunteer member of the general's staff. Distinguishing himself at the Battle of the Brandywine in September, he was consequently given command of a newly created cavalry troop in Washington's army. During the winter of 1777 he and his men served at Trenton, at Flemington, and at Valley Forge, where Pulaski shared responsibility with Gen. Anthony Wayne for the provisioning of the starving Americans. But difficulties with Wayne and some of the junior officers caused Pulaski to resign his command in March 1778.

As a result, later that same month the Continental Congress, on the advice of Washington, authorized Pulaski to raise an independent cavalry corp in the Baltimore, Md., area. Anxious for an active command, he was sent to Egg Harbor, N.J., to protect supplies there but was badly mauled by a surprise British attack on Oct. 15, 1778. He was next dispatched to defend Minisink on the Delaware River from further attacks by Native Americans. The command was too tame for Pulaski's liking, however, and A months later he obtained orders to join in the siege of Charleston. He reached that city on May 8 and promptly directed a headlong attack on advancing British forces. Badly defeated there, Pulaski sought vainly to redeem himself. Five months later while leading another heroic charge, this time during the siege of Savannah, he was mortally wounded. He died on board the American ship Wasp, probably on Oct. 11, 1779.

Pulaski is honored all across the United States and in many Midwestern states where large numbers of Polish immigrants settled, Pulaski festivals are held annually. In fact, in 192B, Congress passed a resolution recognizing October 11 of each year as "General Pulaski Memorial Day", dedicated to Pulaski's memory and to the heritage of Polish-Americans. Many states treat Pulaski Day as a full holiday and all government buildings are closed. In Wisconsin, some school districts have the option of taking Pulaski Day as a holiday and Milwaukee holds an annual parade and school holiday.

Casimir's legacy has even made it into popular culture and music. Sufjan Stevens, an United States singer-songwriter and musician from Petoskey, Michigan, titled a song "Casimir Pulaski Day" on his E (*2+1) state-based concept album, Illinois, in which the singer's adolescent love succumbs to cancer on Casimir Pulaski Day.

Perhaps now you know much more about a statue and man you may have glanced at briefly while looking for a former nano.

Additional Hints (No hints available.)

2.  Solve the puzzle.

Puzzle Coordinates:  N 44° 31.ABC, W 089°33.DEF

Here's the puzzle.  The answers can be found in the pdf file that is attached to the cache page.

Count Casimir Pulaski
Here is another resource with information that will solve the puzzle.
Encyclopedia.com - Casimir Pulaski 

A = 'A' months after dispatch to Minisink (along the Delaware River, NJ), received orders to join the siege of Charleston

A = 3
...He was next dispatched to defend Minisink on the Delaware River from further attacks by Native Americans. The command was too tame for Pulaski's liking, however, and 3 months later he obtained orders to join in the siege of Charleston...

B = In 192B, resolution passed recognizing October 11 as "General Pulaski Memorial Day"

B = 9
Wikipedia -  General Pulaski Memorial Day
In 1929, the Continental Congress voted to establish October 11, as a day of commemoration of the 150th anniversary of Pulaski’s death.

C = In the spring of 177C Pulaski was given money for his voyage to Boston

C = 5
...In the spring of 1775, as the American Revolution was beginning, the American commissioners to France gave Pulaski money to make the voyage to Boston...

D = He remained for D years in Turkey

D = 3
PolishCulture - Casimir Pulaski
...As this segment of the documentary ends, a historian will summarize Pulaski’s next three years of exile, including his attempt to organize a Polish military unit in Ottoman Turkey...

E = Sufjan Stevens #E (*2+1) state-based concept album

E = (2 x 2) + 1 = 5
E = 5

Wikipedia - Sufjan Stevens
...Illinois is Stevens' second based on a U.S. state...

F = In 176F he joined forces with the Confederation of Bar

F = 8
...After brief service in the guard of Duke Charles of Courland (now a part of Latvia), Pulaski returned home to Poland. In 1768 he joined forces with the Confederation of Bar, a movement founded by his father, in a revolt against Russian domination of Poland...

3.  Put the Solved Coordinates together.

Puzzle Coordinates:  N 44° 31.ABC, W 089°33.DEF

Reasonable Answers aren't working, so I'm resorting to Brute Force.

Solved Coordinates:

   N 44° 31.395, W 089°33.358   

4.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Use GeoChecker to verify the solved coordinates.
GeoChecker - Flags of Our Fathers | Count Casimir


  1. Click on the link near the bottom that says "Count Casimir Pulaski". The link will take you to a .pdf about Pulaski that should provide the needed info. The picture at the top of the page is a link to the geochecker.

    1. Thanks for the navigational tips. Now we can get this puzzle wrapped up. :-)

  2. We thought this was a Site Puzzle, so we went there last weekend. There was a memorial statue, but not a lick of helpful information. This puzzle must be solved before you go out looking for it. :-p
