GC3T82X - 50 Nifty United States

GC3T82X - 50 Nifty United States
By:  vanderault

1.  Here is the puzzle.

Geocache Description:

50 Nifty United States

To solve this Cache you will have to go on the internet and figure out the year some states were established.

Evince coordinate verifacation is at the bottom of this page

The coords are at N 44 AB.CDE W 88 14.FGH

A=  The State of Nevada was esablished in the year of 186_
B= The State of Maine was established in the year of 182_
C= The State of Ohio was esablished in the year of  a 18_3
D= The State of Wyoming was estblished in the year of 189_
E= The State of Oklahoma was established in the year of 19_7
F=  The State of Hawaii was established in the year of 19_9
G= The State of New Hampshire was established in the year of 1_88
H= The State of Michigan was established in the year of 18_6

Now you will be able to figure this out you just have to fill in the blanks and then you can go off and find the cache
Additional Hints (Encrypt)
Bark Bark

2.  Solve the puzzle.

A = The State of Nevada was esablished in the year of 186_
A = 4

B = The State of Maine was established in the year of 182_
B = 0

C = The State of Ohio was esablished in the year of a 18_3
C = 0

D = The State of Wyoming was estblished in the year of 189_
D = 0

E = The State of Oklahoma was established in the year of 19_7
E = 0

F = The State of Hawaii was established in the year of 19_9
F = 5

G = The State of New Hampshire was established in the year of 1_88
G = 7

H = The State of Michigan was established in the year of 18_6
H = 3

3.  Put the Solved Coordinates together.

Puzzle Coordinates:  N 44 AB.CDE W 88 14.FGH

Solved Coordinates:
   N 44 40.000, W 88 14.573   

4.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Use evince to verify the solved coordinates.
evince - 50 Nifty United States

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