GC2MYR5 - I'm All Thumbs

GC2MYR5 - I'm All Thumbs
By:  Team Monkeyboy

1.  Here is the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates:  N 40° 02.000 W 082° 25.000

Geocache Description:

The cache is NOT located at the listed coordinates. Solve the puzzle below to find the actual location.

8 42 73 32 32 / 6 43 62 82 8 32 74 / 62 63 73 8 42 / 2 62 3 / 8 9 32 62 8 93 33 63 82 73 / 9 32 74 8 / 8 42 32 62 / 32 92 23 42 2 62 4 32 / 8 42 32 / 33 2 52 32 / 94 32 73 63 74 / 9 43 8 42 / O L Y  G O B

Bring your own writing utensil. BEWARE OF MUGGLES - use your Geo-stealth. Good luck!

Additional Hints (Encrypt)

One ringy dingy...

2.  Solve the puzzle.

Use the numbers a phone keypad to form words.  If there is only one number in the puzzle, use the first letter on that number keypad.  If there are two numbers, the first number tells you what keypad to look at, and the second number tells you how many letters over you will need to go to get the correct letter.

Posted Coordinates:  N 40° 02.000 W 082° 25.000

8 42 73 32 32 / 6 43 62 82 8 32 74 / 62 63 73 8 42 / 2 62 3 / 8 9 32 62 8 93 33 63 82 73 / 9 32 74 8 / 8 42 32 62 / 32 92 23 42 2 62 4 32 / 8 42 32 / 33 2 52 32 / 94 32 73 63 74 / 9 43 8 42 / O L Y  G O B


Yahoo!  BigJim60 confirmed the solve.

That's old-school texting. You press the button once for the first letter, twice for the second, etc. I went through the code and it says,

"Three minutes north and twenty four west then exchange the zeros with."OLY GOB is 659 462. 
GeoChecker confirms the coordinates are N 40 03.659 W 82 24.462

3.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Happy Caching!


  1. I saw in the logs an eleven old child figure this out. What's wrong with us adults!!

  2. Mr RT says it has something to do with Texting, but we don't know what...yet.

  3. Better idea - it's another phone keypad puzzle. Try solving it as a standard cryptogram, where a number (either a 1- or 2-digit number) becomes a single alpha character. Example: 8 is 'T', 42 is 'H'.

  4. I agree with Mr RT on the texting. But 73=10. What letter would that be.

  5. What's with the hint: One, Ringy, Dingy which was an old TV video of Lily Tomlin as Ernestine the operator. I do agree it must be based on the telephone, but so far been unable to come up with a cryptogram to solve it.

  6. Last night Mr RT said something about the first number tells you what number to look at, and the second number tells you how many letters to count over. Neither of us has had time to find out if this idea has any merit. Maybe somebody can give this a try and see if it works.

    Mrs RT

    1. I put a phone keypad in the puzzle and made it easy to test Mr RT's idea. Would somebody check to see if this works? We can't look at it right now.

  7. That's old-school texting. You press the button once for the first letter, twice for the second, etc. I went through the code and it says "Three minutes north and twenty four west then exchange the zeros with."OLY GOB is 659 462. GeoChecker confirms the coordinates are N 40 03.659 W 82 24.462

    1. Fantastic! Thanks Jim. I'll update this blog as soon as I can.

      Thanks everyone! Another one bites the dust... :-)
