GC214W0 - New Math

GC214W0 - New Math

By: Mathman, SirCumference,The Better Half, & Cutie Pi

1.  Here are website links that will help you answer the questions for this puzzle:

Set Theory: 
Set Theory Inventor:
Sputnik 1:

2.  Here is the puzzle:

You will need to answer some simple questions regarding the following Sets to find the FINAL cache coordinates. The Cache is at…
N 44 58.A B C , W 089 3D. E F G

R = {OPS, Rick Blick, baileyhk, {GMO,BlackCat} }
S= {Rick Blick, Bandits, {GMO, BlackCat} }
T= {Rob Greene, OPS, David Cantrell, BirdDog, Snoopy007, baileyhk, Huggie Bear}
Set X = {1,2,3, {4,5} }
Set Y = {4,5}
Set Z = {1,6,7}

3.  How to answer A:

A = The number of Elements in Set R

R = {OPS, Rick Blick, baileyhk, {GMO,BlackCat} }

The Elements for R are as follows:

Element 1 is:  OPS

Element 2 is:  Rick Blick
Element 3 is:  baileyhk
Element 4 is:  {GMO,BlackCat} - (brackets signify that this group is to be treated as one Element)


A = The number of Elements in Set R = 4

4.  How to answer B:

B = The number of Elements in R  S

∪ is the symbol used to signify Union, which is the combined Elements of the listed sets.
In this case, all of the Elements of Sets R and S should be combined.

The Elements for R are:

R = {OPS, Rick Blick, baileyhk, {GMO,BlackCat} }

Element 1 is:  OPS

Element 2 is:  Rick Blick
Element 3 is:  baileyhk
Element 4 is:  {GMO,BlackCat} - brackets signify that the group is treated as one Element

The Elements for S are:

S= {Rick Blick, Bandits, {GMO, BlackCat} }

Element 1 is:  Rick Blick

Element 2 is:  Bandits
Element 3 is:  {GMO,BlackCat}

By combining the Elements of the two Sets we will get R  S, as follows:

Element 1 is:  OPS

Element 2 is:  Rick Blick
Element 3 is:  baileyhk
Element 4 is:  {GMO,BlackCat}
Element 5 is:  Bandits


B = The number of Elements in R  S = 5

5.  How to answer C:

C = The number of Elements in (R  S)  T

First, identify the elements that are in the Set (R  S).

 is the symbol used to signify Intersection, which is the Elements that the listed Sets have in common.
In this case, we need to identify the Elements that Sets R and S have in common.

R = {OPS, Rick Blick, baileyhk, {GMO,BlackCat} }

S= {Rick Blick, Bandits, {GMO, BlackCat} }

The Elements that are in both Set R and Set S are as follows:

Rick Blick


Therefore, (R  S) is the Set {Rick Blick, {GMO,BlackCat} }

Second, identify the elements that are in Set T

T= {Rob Greene, OPS, David Cantrell, BirdDog, Snoopy007, baileyhk, Huggie Bear}

Third, solve the expression (R  S)  T.

∪ is the symbol used to signify Union, which is the combined Elements of the listed sets.
In this case, all of the Elements of Set (R  S) and Set T should be combined.

(R  S) = {Rick Blick, {GMO,BlackCat} }

T= {Rob Greene, OPS, David Cantrell, BirdDog, Snoopy007, baileyhk, Huggie Bear}

Therefore, (R  S)  T is the set {Rick Blick, {GMO,BlackCat}, Rob Greene, OPS, David Cantrell, BirdDog, Snoopy007, baileyhk, Huggie Bear}

Fourth, list the Elements that satisfy the expression (R  S)  T.

Element 1 is:  Rick Blick

Element 2 is:  {GMO,BlackCat}
Element 3 is:  Rob Greene
Element 4 is:  OPS
Element 5 is:  David Cantrell
Element 6 is:  BirdDog
Element 7 is:  Snoopy007
Element 8 is:  baileyhk
Element 9 is:  Huggie Bear


C = The number of Elements in (R  S)  T = 9

6.  How to answer D:

D = X  Z

Set X = {1,2,3, {4,5} }

Set Z = {1,6,7}

 is the symbol used to signify Intersection, which is the Elements that the listed Sets have in common.
In this case, we need to identify the Elements that Sets X and Z have in common.

The only Element that both Sets have in common is 1.


D = X  Z = 1

7.  How to answer E:

E = Y  Y'
Since there is no Set Y', there are no common Elements.


E = Y  Y' = 0

8.  How to answer F:

F = The number of radio transmitters in Sputnik 1

Read about Sputnik 1 at the following website:


(Although you will find conflicting information at Wikipedia.com, which states that Sputnik 1 had one radio transmitter with two bandwidths, for this puzzle, the answer is 2.)


F = The number of radio transmitters in Sputnik 1 = 2

9.  How to answer G:

G = The person credited with Set Theory is...

0 = Cantor

1 = Bolzano
2 = Dedekind
3 = Mathman!

Read about the inventor of Set Theory at the following website:



G = The person credited with Set Theory is... = 0

10.  Put your solved coordinates together.
N 44 58.A B C , W 089 3D. E F G
A = 4
B = 5
C = 9
D = 1
E = 0
F = 2
G = 0

   N 44° 58.459, W 089° 31.020   

11.  Verify the solved coordinates using GeoChecker:

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