GC1QWQC - SP WSQ St. Paul's Night Cache

GC1QWQC - SP WSQ St. Paul's Night Cache

By: UWSP Geocaching Club

1. Here is the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates: N 44° 30.721 W 089° 33.318

Geocache Description:

Although this is called a "Night Cache", this cemetery is not open at night. However, a quick walk or drive through will hopefully help the cache make sense.

The Cache is located at:  N 44 30.ABC, W 089 33.DEF

A = Number of letters in last name minus 3
B = First digit in year of birth
C = Day of marriage minus 4
DE = Day of death
F = Last digit in year of death

Additional Hints (No hints available.)

2.  Solve the puzzle.

Don't bother driving through the cemetery at night looking for solar lights or any other object that might shed light on this puzzle.  We did -- it was a dead end and a waste of time.

Use Find A Grave to solve this puzzle.  

Locate and open the St. Paul Lutheran Cemetery listing.  Click on the "View all interments" link, and start opening the listings.
St. Paul Lutheran Cemetery

Look at every listing, scanning for grave markers that would fit the title, "Night Cache".  An efficient way to accomplish this is to hold down the Ctrl key and click on each interment listing.  That will keep the current page active and open each listing in a new tab.  Then you can visit each tab and scan the grave markers looking for "night" clues.

You will find two possibilities:
Sandmann - Herb & Carol
(While the name has potential, this listing is a dead end.  The solved coordinates will take you to an alley/parking lot that is nowhere near the cemetery.)

Turkiewicz - Luann L Winkler (10/10/1943 - 11/26/2005)

The night scene on the stone is very interesting and has great potential.  Let's look at this possibility.

The Cache is located at:  N 44 30.ABC, W 089 33.DEF

A = Number of letters in last name minus 3 = 10 - 3 
A = 7

B = First digit in year of birth
B = 1

C = Day of marriage minus 4 = 7 - 4
C = 3

DE = Day of death
DE = 26

F = Last digit in year of death
F = 5

3.  Put together the Solved Coordinates.

Puzzle Coordinates:  N 44 30.ABC, W 089 33.DEF

Solved Coordinates:
   N 44 30.713, W 089 33.265   

4.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Use Google Maps to determine whether the solved coordinates seem reasonable.
Google Maps - solved coordinates

Looks Good!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to the puzzlers who had helpful ideas.

    This "Night Cache" is now solved -- But, don't go there at night. :-p
