GC1GJZG - WSQ Stiles Town Cemetery

GC1GJZG - WSQ Stiles Town Cemetery
By: Bartrod

1. Here is the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates: N 44° 51.871 W 088° 03.221

Geocache Description:

This puzzle can be solved on-site.

As I was wandering around this cemetery and the Catholic one across the road, I noticed that many of the older headstones were marking the final resting places of babies and young children. Life was cruel and, frequently, short back in the 1800’s. The coordinates bring you to the headstone of Esther Brunke, daughter of Herman and Ida Brunke. It reminds us to appreciate the day and age we live in and of the fact that we should enjoy each and every moment of the short, brief life we have. You will need to use the information on Ester’s headstone to solve the following puzzle.

N44 5A.AAA
W88 0C.DEF

A.AAA=year of birth(4 digits)+ 3
C.D=the sum of all six digits indicated by her birth
EF=the year of her death(last 2 digits)- 12

Additional Hints (No hints available.)

2. Solve the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates:  N 44° 51.871 W 088° 03.221

Puzzle Coordinates:  N44 5A.AAA, W88 0C.DEF

Here is the Find-A-Grave link to Esther Brunke's marker.
Esther Brunke - (Apr. 16, 1896 - Jan. 9, 1898)

A.AAA = year of birth (4 digits) + 3 = 1896 + 3 = 1899
A.AAA = 1.899

C.D = the sum of all six digits indicated by her birth = 1 + 6 + 1 + 8 + 9 + 6 = 3.1
C.D = 3.1

EF = the year of her death (last 2 digits) - 12 = 98 - 12 = 86
EF = 86

Solved Coordinates:
N 44° 51.899, W 088° 03.186

3.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Since there isn't a geochecker, use Google Maps to verify the solved coordinates.
Google Maps - solved coordinates

1 comment:

  1. I believe the coordinates should be N 44 51.899 W 088 03.184 which puts one at the back of the cemetery.
