GC1NQGT - Riverside Cemetery

GC1NQGT - Riverside Cemetery
By:  happycampers523

1.  Here is the puzzle.

Geocache Description:

The posted coordinates will get you to an entrance of the cemetery.

Final coordinates:  N44 57.ABC W090 37.DEF

A= The first number in the cemetery's address.

B= On the Court of Remembrance (dedicated to our veterans of all wars), the last number in the year Lt. Col. William Bernard Tuft died.

C= The sum of the year Lt. Col. William Bernard Tuft died minus 18.

D= The total number of stone pillars at the 3 entrances on the south side (on CTH X) of the cemetery, minus 1.

E= The number of people 'living' permanently in the cemetery.

F= The number of stone pillars at the old main entrance off of CTH X (south side, middle).

Additional Hints:

Step up to the cache

2. Use Find A Grave to answer the questions.

A = The first number in the cemetery's address.
Riverside Cemetery - Address
The info beneath the photo shows the address as N14707 French Town Avenue
Township of Hixon.  Therefore, 

A = 1

B = On the Court of Remembrance (dedicated to our veterans of all wars), the last number in the year Lt. Col. William Bernard Tuft died.
Lt. Col. William Bernard Tufts
Lt. Col. William Bernard Tufts died in 1963.  Therefore,

B = 3

C = The sum of the year Lt. Col. William Bernard Tufts died minus 18.
1 + 9 + 6 + 3 - 18 = 1  Therefore,

C = 1

D = The total number of stone pillars at the 3 entrances on the south side (on CTH X) of the cemetery, minus 1.

For this item, use the Posted Coordinates and Google Maps, satellite view with street view images.  Travel along CTH X and count the stone pillars at the 3 entrances.
Google Maps
There are a total of 10 stone pillars at the 3 entrances.  10 - 1 = 9  Therefore, 

D = 9

E= The number of people 'living' permanently in the cemetery.

E = 0

F= The number of stone pillars at the old main entrance off of CTH X (south side, middle).

While solving item D, you saw 6 stone pillars at the middle entrance.  Therefore,

F = 6

3.  Put the Solved Coordinates together.

Puzzle Coordinates:
N 44 57.ABC, W 090 37.DEF

A = 1
B = 3
C = 1
D = 9
E = 0
F = 6

Solved Coordinates:
   N 44 57.131, W 090 37.906   

4.  Verify the Solved Coordinates with Google Maps.

Since there isn't a geochecker, use Google Maps with satellite view to determine whether or not the solved coordinates look reasonable.
Google Maps - Solved Coordinates
Based upon the satellite view, the solved coordinates look very reasonable.

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