GC3J0Z6 - A-Corn-Y Series: Michael W. King Plantation

GC3J0Z6 - A-Corn-Y Series: Michael W. King Plantation
By:  CacheNoTrace

1.  Here is the Puzzle.

This cache can be found at:  N44 53.AAA, W089 42.BBB

You need to find A-Corn-Y Series: Gaska and Radke Point to find clues for AAA and BBB!

GC3J13F - A-Corn-Y Series: Gaska Park
GC3J13X - A-Corn-Y Series: Radke Point

Since both of the supporting caches have been archived, here are the answers to the clues:

  • AAA = 198
  • BBB = 730

2.  Put your solved coordinates together.

N44 53.AAA, W089 42.BBB

3.  Solved Coordinates.
   N 44° 53.198, W 089° 42.730   

There is no GeoChecker for this puzzle.

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