GC2WK9K - Figurative Phalanges

GC2WK9K - Figurative Phalanges
By:  theLadyBee

1.  Here is the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates:  N 40° 04.010 W 082° 25.010

Geocache Description:

The cache is not at the listed coordinates. To find its location enjoy some pictures below. The difficulty rating takes the hide difficulty into account as well.


Additional Hints (No hints available.)

2. Find the meaning of the hand signs.

If you right click on each picture, you will find these labels attached to them.

Pic 1 = Name
Pic 2 = MasterHand
Pic 3 = peacock
Pic 4 = eagle
Pic 5 = support

Pic 6 = six
Pic 7 = turkey
Pic 8 = whatever
Pic 9 = one
Pic 10 = okay

This was helpful for a few pictures, but not all of them.  Now, drag and drop the pictures onto Google Images to find similar pictures.

Google Images
Here are modified meanings of some of these images.

Pic 1 = N

Pic 2 = 3
Pic 3 = peacock hand art
Pic 4 = eagle hand art
Pic 5 = "Support" deaf art

Pic 6 = W

Pic 7 = no matches
Pic 8 = whatever
Pic 9 = 1
Pic 10 = 9

Hand signs appears to be a dead end.

3.  Count the Phalanges.

In this puzzles, it appears that they are using the word 'phalanges' to mean fingers.  If we keep the Pic 1 and Pic 6 labels as N and W, we can count the fingers that are extended as follows:

Pic 1 = N
Pic 2 = 3
Pic 3 = 9
Pic 4 = 9
Pic 5 = 0

Pic 6 = W
Pic 7 = 6
Pic 8 = 4
Pic 9 = 1
Pic 10 = 3

Since there are only 4 digits solved for each direction, we should substitute only the last four digits in each direction of the posted coordinates to obtain the solution.

Posted Coordinates: N 40° 04.010 W 082° 25.010

4.  Put together the Solved Coordinates.

Solved Coordinates:
   N 40° 03.990, W 082° 26.413   

5.  Verify the Solved Coordinates with GeoCheck.
GeoCheck - Figurative Phalanges


  1. I believe the pics are an example on counting 0-9 in sign language.

  2. Some of these are numbers, but I can't figure out how to get numbers out of all of them.

    Any ideas our resources???
