GC25Y22 - Hazzards of Camelot

GC25Y22 - Hazzards of Camelot
By: Lander & Lancelot

1. Here is the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates:   N 44° 42.265, W 088° 22.452

Geocache Description:

THE CACHE IS NOT AT THE POSTED COORDINATES. But you still need to go there to get information at the museum located there. You are looking for 2 numbers, they will be AB.

To find the final, solve for the following:

N 44° 4B.ECX and W 088° 2A.DAC

C = B+5

D = A+7

E = C+2

X = (A*E) + (C/3)

If you get a negative number, drop off the negative sign, if you get a number larger than 9, only use the last number.

Additional Hints:

Rob, Burt E. Lee

2. Solve the puzzle.

The numbers on the 'Dukes of Hazzard' replica vehicle are 01, which was also nicknamed the 'Robert E Lee" on the show.  That makes AB = 01.

A = 0

B = 1

C = B + 5 = 1 + 5 = 6

C = 6

D = A + 7 = 0 + 7 = 7

D = 7

E = C + 2 = 6 + 2 = 8

E = 8

X = (A*E) + (C/3) = (0*8) + (6/3) = 2

X = 2

Puzzle Coordinates:

N44° 4B.ECX and W088° 2A.DAC

Solved Coordinates:

N 44° 41.862, W 088° 20.706

3.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Use Google Maps to determine whether the solved coordinates look reasonable.
Google Maps - solved coordinates
Looks Good! 

Happy Caching!

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