GC1B7PC - SPACVB Downtown

GC1B7PC - SPACVB Downtown
By:  UWSP Geocaching Club

1.  Here is the puzzle.

How many letters are in the new name of the old Opera House?

Since when has the Public Square been the Farmer's Market? (year)... 1853 (the plaque is not there anymore)

How many S's are on the outside name of the Stevens Point Post Office?

How many loggers are on the Logging Mural?

A = Opera House number + 1
B = # of S's - 4
C = # of loggers / 4
D = 2nd digit in the Farmers Market year + 1

Final Cache N 44 31.ABC  W 089 34.CAD

**Please do not take the marker, cut out or stickers from this cache these are not trade items. These are a part of the April 19 CITO event, and they will be picked up at a later date. Thank You**
Additional Hints (No hints available.)

2. Solve the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates: N 44° 31.412 W 089° 34.986

While this one is definitely intended to be solved "on site", it's clear that a little advance research will help, and in fact the entire puzzle can be solved using only online resources.

Solve for A

A = Opera House number + 1

How many letters are in the new name of the old Opera House?

I did a Google search for Stevens Point Old Opera House and came up with this hyperlink:

Fox Theater (Stevens Point Wisconsin)
So the answer seems to be "Fox", or 3 letters, so A=3+1. Therefore,

A = 4

Solve for B

B = # of S's - 4

How many S's are on the outside name of the Stevens Point Post Office?

For this one, I did a Google Image search for the words Stevens Point Post Office, and was rewarded with two nice images of the front of the building. Both images were too small to read, however, when I clicked on this image, and ZOOMED THE PAGE UP TO 300%, I was able to view the necessary letters.

As you can see (maybe) there are two S's in STATES, one in POST, and two in STEVENS. There is no 'S' following the WI. That make five (5) in all.

So B = 5-4, or B=1

Solve for C

C = # of loggers / 4

How many loggers are on the Logging Mural?

Once again, I relied on my good friend, Mr. Google, and searched for Stevens Point Logging Mural. The very first link was for this page.

While this PDF file inexplicably fails to display the entire mural, it does, nonetheless, tell about every face on the mural, making it easy to count that there are 24 men on the "Rivermen" mural.

Therefore, C = 24/4 , or C=6

Solve for D

D = 2nd digit in the Farmers Market year + 1

Since when has the Public Square been the Farmer's Market? (year)...

Well - that's no mystery. Since the plaque is no longer there, the CO was nice enough to give the year, 1853.

Now - ordinarily, I would just leave it at that, but I'm more-than-average curious, and I used Mr. Google to search for "When did the Public Square become the Farmer's Market in Stevens Point". Lo and behold, I got the following page:

On that page, you can still see the aforementioned plaque, stating that the Public Square has been used as the Farmer's Market since... 1870. Hmmmmm.

Oh well. 1853, 1870 - the second digit is still the same.

Public Square Marker Photo, Click for full size

Therefore, D = 8+1, or D=9

3.  Put together the Solved Coordinates.

Puzzle Coordinates:  N 44 31.ABC  W 089 34.CAD

Solved Coordinates:

N 44 31.416, W 089 34.649

4.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Since there isn't a geochecker, use Google Maps to determine whether the solved coordinates look reasonable.
Google Maps - verify solved coordinates
The solved coordinates are on a small triangle of land that has a tiny park with evergreen trees.  Therefore, this location looks reasonable.

Happy Caching!!

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