GC25ZDF - The Smiley Code

GC25ZDF - The Smiley Code
By: Hayward Cheezehead

1. Here is the puzzle.

Geocache Description:


This cache placed by a member of:
(click to visit our website)

Additional Hints:

Everything you need to solve this puzzle can be found from this page, thou a note may help.

It may be easier to go at this from the bottom.

2.  Locate the puzzle code.

Open the Geocaching.com Smiley page.

Number the Smiley's from 0-9, twice.  

Unfortunately, the Smiley page has changed since this puzzle was published, and a few of the smileys aren't in the same order they had been in previously.  This is our best guess at the prior order of the smileys.  It's good enough to solve the puzzle.

North Coordinate

0 =  - Smile
1 = big smile - Big Smile
2 = cool - Cool
3 = blush - Blush
4 = tongue - Tongue
5 = evil - Evil
6 = wink - Wink
7 = clown - Clown
8 = shocked - Shocked
9 = black eye - Black Eye

West Coordinate

0 = frown - Frown

1 = shy - Shy

2 = eightball - Eightball

3 = angry - Angry

4 = dead - Dead

5 = sleepy - Sleepy

6 = kisses - Kisses
7 = approve - Approve
8 =  - Disapprove
9 = question - Question

3.  Put the Solved Coordinates together.
Solved Coordinates:
N 46°00.774 W 091°35.089

4.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Use GeoCheck to verify the solved coordinates.
GeoCheck - The Smiley Code

Smiley Code Parking:  N 46°00.740, W 091°35.198

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