GC122C2 - Unnecessarily Evil Lil' Arrows

GC122C2 - Unnecessarily Evil Lil' Arrows
By:  Hayward Cheezehead- A REALLY GOOD GUY! HONEST!!

1.  Here is the puzzle.

Geocache Description:

*** The cache is not at the posted coordinates.***

I’ve had a lot of cachers tell me that I’m an evil person and I don’t know why. I’ve seen logs where people have bushwhacked to this cache or that cache. Why? Cuz they follow that little arrow on their GPS. That’s the evil thing! THAT ARROW!! Believe it or not, I’ve even fallen for it evil paths.
So! Use some smarts! Don’t always follow that little arrow. It will lead you to bad places!(Swamps,marshes. bogs, ect..) I would never lead you astray…… but you might follow and still get to where you need to be! -HCH

Additional Hints (Encrypt)
Look for the pine.

2.  Solve the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates: N 46° 01.295 W 091° 25.918

Starting with the Red Arrows in the bottom left corner, follow and count the arrows.  Each time the color changes, record the number you just counted.  Count the next set of colored arrows, then record the number.  Continue until you have followed arrows back off of the puzzle (again in the bottom left corner).

Now put together the Solved Coordinates.
N 45° 59.949, W 091° 24.413

3.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Use GeoCheck to verify the Solved Coordinates.

GeoCheck - Unnecessarily Evil Lil' Arrows

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