GC1B31A - Esser Pond Cache

GC1B31A - Esser Pond Cache

By: P-38 rider

1. Here is the puzzle.

Geocache Description:

The cache is not at the listed coordinates!

Solve the puzzle below to find the coordinates.

The cache is not at the listed coordinates. If you go to the listed coordinates, you'll need waders or a kayak. You won't find the cache, but maybe the ducks and geese would enjoy the company.

This is a small cache on a short biking and walking path. I hope you take some time to enjoy the view of the pond and the prairie restoration. This will be easy to get to by bike. If you come by car, it may be hard to find a legal place to park. Please don't park in the business parking lots during business hours.

The cache is a small plastic tube. It is big enough for the log. Please bring your own pencil to sign the log.

The cache is located at the following coordinates:



  -AT -MIA  -CAN
----- ---- -----

You can check your answers for this puzzle on Geochecker.com.
Additional Hints (No hints available.)

2.  Solve the puzzle.

Math with letters, means you're doing some sort of conversion. The most obvious conversions in our standard toolbox are

Alphabet Sequence (1 through 26)
Base Conversion (it would take at least Base 33 to get all the way to 'W')
Phone conversion

The reason I liked the Phone Conversion for this one is that every letter in the alphabet can be represented with a single number. A, B, or C = 2; D, E, or F = 3, and so on.

This means the math formula:








Final Coordinates:

N 43° 05.676,  W 89° 31.272

3.  Check your coordinates.

Use the link for Geochecker.com to check your solution.

Happy Caching!!!!


  1. I have looked at this numerous times. I have tried by assigning numbers to some of the letters that would seem obvious, with no luck. If nobody has any other ideas, maybe we could ask for some help!!!
