GC38H14 - When Granny Met Roy

GC38H14 - When Granny Met Roy

By: sandlanders

1. Here is the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates: N 43° 59.721 W 089° 45.027

Geocache Description:

Solve the puzzle below to find where you need to go.

* * * * * * * * * * *
Granny and Roy are two colorful characters, and they are both very creative in their use of color.  Granny uses yarn and crochets wonderful afghans and lap robes.  Roy is an "artiste" who spreads the colors of the rainbow everywhere he visits.  They both love making and solving puzzles.

Then Granny met Roy.

What a grand time they had together!  They chatted over appetizers of aged cheddar and red herring, placed some friendly wagers as they played some cards (cribbage anyone?), and after a meal of rainbow stew, turnovers, and more fromage, they partook of postprandial java and blue-frosted cupcakes.

To remember all the fun they had, Granny and Roy came up with a combined creation to share with everyone.  Granny was hoping that people would appreciate this creation more than they did some of her others, while Roy was happy that something he made would finally be placed in an area that wasn't so remote.

Can you find the message that Granny and Roy included in their creation below?  And, can you use that information to locate where they left a very familiar container for you to find?

Additional Hints (
No hints available.)

2. Solve the puzzle.

Here is the Code.

A = Red Club
B = Red Diamond
C = Red Heart
D = Red Spade
E = Orange Club
F = Orange Diamond
G = Orange Heart
H = Orange Spade
I = Yellow Club
J = Yellow Diamond
K = Yellow Heart
L = Yellow Spade
M = Green Club
N = Green Diamond
O = Green Heart
P = Green Spade
Q = Blue Club
R = Blue Diamond
S = Blue Heart
T = Blue Spade
U = Indigo Club
V = Indigo Diamond
W = Indigo Heart
X = Indigo Spade
Y = Violet Club
Z = Violet Diamond

Puzzle Translation:

Granny and Roy have found a lovely place to hide this cache.
Park at: N 44 00.169, W 089 44.256
Then walk north on the road for .12 miles.  When you reach N 44 00.283, W 089 44.253, go east.  
Stay high above the creek, but south of the fence line, until you get to: 
N 44 00.302, W 089 44.221.  There you can enjoy the view and can find the cache.

3. Put together the Solved Coordinates.

Solved Coordinates:
N 44° 00.302, W 089° 44.221

4. Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Verify the solved coordinates with GeoChecker.

GeoChecker - solved coordinates

Happy Caching!


  1. We put a list of ideas for letter substitutions on the blog. Perhap someone can test them and see if they have any merit.

  2. Looks like this puzzle starts out----Granny and Roy---. Now back to solving it!!

    1. Thanks Pharmdog! I'll get that info added to the puzzle.

    2. Excellent, thanks to your contribution, I spotted a pattern in the code!

  3. I was ready to add to the list of letters and the color symbol they represent, but again you beat me to the draw!! Actually was a lot of fun solving this puzzle.

    1. We have an unfair advantage. There are two of us! LOL

  4. Another fine group effort solved the puzzle.

    Thanks Pharmdog, for finding the pieces that cracked the code!! :-)
